Synth noodling conceptual artist

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Are you saying that I made something up? If so, let me know which bit it is and I’ll happily correct it.

    Just to be clear though, I wasn’t saying he hasn’t had an impact on British politics. As the front man for some very shady interests he helped bring about a brexit referendum by causing the Tory party internal angst (Cameron really thought the country would vote to remain and he’d silence the right of his party that was being egged in by Farage). Nor am I negating that he has enjoyed unprecedented media exposure that has helped divide the UK.

  • Massive spud of a human.

    I mean, good luck trying to get this working in Northern Ireland too.

    This is a classic Tory death rattle. Punish those lazy, entitled young people who, whilst not responsible for the 2008 crash (that was us and our banker mates) or the following years of austerity that ripped the heart out of public services whilst private services prospered (that was also us, but with our banker mates) or Brexit, an enterprise that spit the nation and has left us all worse off (again, us, but this time with our business and banker mates), it is those no good, molly-coddled young people with their funny hair colour and inability to buy houses, or food in some cases, that are the problem with the UK and we need to whip them into shape whilst we (who haven’t been whipped into any sort of shape at all) continue to be in charge.