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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I used LeftWM for a while, it’s a window manager built in rust. One of the cool things about it was its themes functionality. You put all your dot files in a particular directory for things like your bar, and then you can save and switch multiple themes with a short command. Had some interesting community ones too like one based on the Star Trek TNG computer terminals. Ended up moving away from it after a while because it just didn’t quite feel polished enough for a daily deiver yet and I got a little tired of the constant tweaking

  • I’ve got to go with Endeavour. I’m not sure it’s so much that it’s overrated, but more that the community talks about it as a replacement for Manjaro which is far from the case. The installation may be easier than arch but once it’s all up and running you’re going to need to be comfortable in the terminal to sort things out. The documentation for endeavour is incredibly lacking too. It’s an unnecessary middle step between a “beginner” distro and arch. If you can’t follow the arch installation guide on the wiki then you’re going to have even more trouble when it comes to endeavour

  • I’ve always found this sort of stuff interesting, the stark contrast between what Tory voters preach and what the party has often stood for. The party’s emphasis seems swayed by whoever has the biggest wallet rather than actually promoting traditionally conservative values.

    If anything, the UK has become more dependent on other countries in recent years. Our public transport is pretty much entirely owned by foreign companies that charge extortionate amounts here because their own countries have better regulations.

    They could’ve made Brexit into a huge push to eat more seasonally and support local farmers, which would both help local economy and be more environmentally friendly, but instead they focussed on drawing attention towards immigration

  • 2016 for me. I wanted a music production suite, and was given a new laptop for starting college (uk college, I was 15 at the time). I decided to try out Ububtu Studio, a media/art-centered branch of Ubuntu. I found that the incredibly slow laptop that I used to have just… worked? It was somehow faster at doing day to day tasks than my much newer laptop. I also found the visual aesthetics (Ubuntu Studio was pre-Unity Ubuntu) really appealing.

    As I kept using it, I found that more and more my time was being spent on my older laptop rather than the newer one. I started disteo hopping nefore setttling on Manjaro in early 2017. Then I went for i3 and dwm, which led to me using gentoo for a few years. In my last year of uni I found that my time maintaining my set-up was getting impractical on top of all the work so I went back to Windows briefly. Very quickly realised I couldn’t use it anymore and so set myself back up with Manjaro.

    Currently giving Ubuntu a go because my current laptop has dual amd/nvidia graphics and out of the box it just works much better on Ubuntu. There’s been some frustrations but I can’t see myself going back to Windows. I use it for work on my work laptop and the little things frustrate me to no end