Why would any one spend one month of minimal wage in a phone, especially considering the trend to boycott made in US.
I am ready to believe that iPhone are great but no way I spend that much money for a phone
Why would any one spend one month of minimal wage in a phone, especially considering the trend to boycott made in US.
I am ready to believe that iPhone are great but no way I spend that much money for a phone
there isn’t actually that much to read, at the user level. Nowadays, on a “user friendly distribution” you should be able to launch firefox to browse lemmy, and open a pdf without much difficulties. Even printer aren’t anymore a nightmare to install.
Main stuff to know IMO.
Linux distribution came with app store long before it was cool, for 99% of the case should just use-them, no need to worry (at first) about how to install an app which doesn’t come from an official repository
While you can choose among many Desktop environment, just take the one coming with the distro you choose and get used to it.
Terminal is a pretty neat tool once you know-it, but so is a Torque-wrench for your car. You do not have to know how to use-it to use a PC.
It’s surprising that it’s not standard in any country and that it’s not managed at the municipal level.
Where do I evacuate in case of natural disaster? Is there a dangerous factory which may explode/ release toxic products nearby? How high is the flood risk? What about forest fire
These info should be easy to get for everyone. Statistically speaking some citizen will (unfortunately) need it this year
While the actress has some notoriety, huge part of the international trade relies on short term work visa. When Airbus builds a new factory in the US, or That a US factory chooses German industrial robots, you need to send people on short-term work visa to kickstart it.
Serious answer : I am not living there, have no idea how to compare, nor whether the court system works as a safeguard.
Troll answer In democracy you have the right to healthcare and education, so it’s been a while it isn’t
However, be clear with potential lovers (if any) that you’re not searching to get engaged yet. So people have clean expectation. Moreover, think about your mental well-being first and don’t destroy your health by over working.
If you have any leadership role in a guild, you know more about (project) management than someone who doesn’t
At the time there was no server per language/regio, we learned English by playing video game
IVAO/vatsim might help you to learn aviation phraseology. However, relatively few simmer do fly VFR on the network