Keep going higher, i bet Canada imports more from US than exports.
Keep going higher, i bet Canada imports more from US than exports.
Have you tried lutris?
Better start prepping then so you don’t starve
You’ll think back at this moment when you’ve got a full stomach.
Maybe for Americans where groceries are highly highly processed let alone majority imported.
Grabs locally grown whole foods including popcorn and gets healthier
Cool story, we are talking international currencies, Read the thread before looking like a fool
Gold, local currency, you dont need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out.
Watching the US dollar
Grabs popcorn
So doing what every single developer does, got it.
Everyone is teflon
Block or remove the terminal and judge the disastrous performance on its ability to work after the fact
Frankly, it’s about time!
You think there’s a guy?
Tooot toot zoooom
Not electricity, not clean plumbed water, not sewage systems. Not health services, not education, not housing, not food. Certainly not happiness.
Its choo choo zoomz.
Got it
Fast trains = infrastructure.
Got it.
For sure it’s a scale and it should be one that goes down not just up. Would be great for everyone to be honest on this but its anything but honest especially within
Do you consider how fast trains go the highest measure for a developing country? Honest question as I think some countries would be stepping out of developed and into impoverished. But hey we measure up so “train go zoom” is where its at?
You should have learnt by now that eating and having a home trumps (pun intended) the luxury of environmentalism. I suspect these liberals will have the same outcome that happened to the democrats
Largest, freshest repo that deals with dependency issues for you!
Dam your right! Such a shame. As it is atm its still fun, could do woth more scenarios/maps.
Such a shame, any news on what happened to the dev?
At this point why not charge $40,000. Morons will still buy them