• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Foreign interference, extortion, conspiracy to extort a third party, more libel and slander than you can shake a Trump at, persecution of dissidents both internal and external, state censorship of dissent rivaling that of China and Russia, ditto disinformation campaigns…

    And that’s not even all of the (mostly) NONviolent ones.

    Clearly, there’s no depths of depravity that would condemn any other country to sanctions if not “preemptive” invasions that the US won’t fucking CELEBRATE when coming from the most moral inherently genocidal apartheid regime.

  • Alright, US should just nuke them and launch full scale assault?

    Holy false dichotomy, Batman! That’s one of the stupidest ones I’ve heard yet! 🤦

    The fuck do you want

    An INDEPENDENT investigation and for the US to stop supplying the weapons used to commit genocide and other atrocities with would be a good start.

    This is non statement because they lack facts.

    Says the one pretending that it’s a choice of either doing nothing or nuke and invade 🙄

    Quit being so blood hungry

    I’m being the OPPOSITE of blood hungry ffs! I want someone to STOP Israel from murdering with impunity!

    This statement is the only one they could make.

    The FUCK it was! Even with Saudi Arabia, they got angry and didn’t let the killers do their own investigation!

    Maybe better if they mentioned launching their own investigation

    Ya think? 🙄

    which they likely are

    Not likely at all, no. That’s part of the problem.

    but you don’t announce you’re spying on someone…

    Conducting a murder investigation isn’t spying ffs! Ever heard of international oversight?

    Apparently not, since you’re pretending that it would be a crime to not let the IDF investigate themselves 🤦

  • Just a couple weeks ago, another “moderate” who DEFINITELY supports the cause was complaining about anti-genocide protesters making him late for work, saying that they need to “do it in Tel Aviv or shut up”.

    And here you are, DEFINITELY supporting the cause while saying that this guy did it to himself by “stirring shit up” because he made his opposition to the atrocities heard too close to the snipers of the genocidal occupation force. In a Palestinian-owned part of the West Bank.

    If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that NEITHER of you REALLY support the cause or the protesters out there representing everyone who does…

  • Right, but you know hamas believes jews should be wiped from this earth,

    That’s irrelevant. They’re not in a position where doing so is possible, and killing their only leverage against a technologically and numerically superior force is not in their interest.

    The Israeli people thinking that they did, on the other hand, is VERY much in the interest of the IDF.

    you know this current war began because of specific steps Hamas chose to take to attempt to make that goal a reality

    Nope. Atrocious and barbaric beyond description as it was, October 7th was a political act, not a foolhardy attempt to kill all Jewish people.

    Just because they’re despicable terrorists doesn’t mean that Hamas are stupid enough to think that the total eradication of all Israeli Jews, let alone all Jews worldwide, is something that is in any way possible.

    And it’s not a war. It’s one of the biggest, most powerful, and most technologically advanced militaries in the history of humanity eradicating or displacing an entire people, using a tiny minority (that is nowhere near as much a threat as they pretend) as a pretense.

    you know the mistreatment they have displayed towards the hostages.

    Talking about Hamas or Israel? Because the only significant differences with regards to hostages is that Israel has hundreds if not thousands as many that they abuse just as horribly as Hamas does theirs.

    So for you to say that there is a 99% chance that Hamas is innocent of these killings

    Again ignoring the qualifier, so I’m gonna make it a little more obvious:

    As long as an IDF spokesperson is the ONLY source

    that’s a specific choice you are making for conspiricism.

    Nope, that’s a statement of how unreliable the IDF and their spokespeople have proven themselves to be. Repeatedly leaving out that part, though? THAT’S a specific choice.

  • once you get that verification, your position will not change.


    You have only given yourself a 1% chance of changing your stance

    No. I have given a very generous 1% chance of something said ONLY by an IDF spokesperson being the unvarnished truth. The concurrence of other sources would of course dramatically increase that chance, especially if any of them are themselves very reliable.

    in my opinion, that the only refuge you are offering yourself is conspiracism if and when you are proven wrong.

    That’s a very weird way to guess wrong.

    I suspect the conspiracy will be “Israel killed the hostages themselves”

    Wouldn’t be the first time or the last. That’s not a conspiracy theory at this point, though, just what’s most likely given the past behavior of all of the factions involved 🤷

    I’m reserving final judgment until people of greater reliability than the likes of Donald Trump, Baghdad Bob, or Alex Jones chime in, though.