My brother in Christ, how much do you know about housing? Renovations? Insulation? Mycology?
The standard that likely had not been followed was ensuring that the property was watertight to begin with.
The dry rot that is spreading through their house is effectively going to condemn it.
Your take of “hurdur, how hard could it be to do some insulation? you glue on the boards, mesh and render” is asinine at best.
Lots of these companies didn’t do their due diligence to ensure the suitability of the properties before installing.
Which then disproportionately effects people who are less likely to be able to afford repairs due to them already being on very limited lower incomes, the exact reason why they are getting this work done via these schemes.
I took wouldn’t want to trust the same company that put me into that position to be the one to rectify it.
Admittedly, I don’t take the train or bus anywhere near as much as I used to, but when I did there were always poster adverts about being respectful towards other riders and staff. Have those gone away, or is it that there is another influence supplanting that messaging?
Perhaps phones being much more engaging that people actually spend a lot less time reading the PSAs and adverts around them?
In a weirdly similar way, I remember pre COVID there used to be so many more drivers that would be blasting music with their windows down that it rarely deserved a second thought. It’s much more rare to hear it nowadays, to the extent that when I do, it seems so much more obnoxious.