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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Fuck Elon Musk, but don’t discourage human curiosity and stupidity. There’s nothing humans love more than conquering an impossible task. Humanity would have never made it as far as we did without people doing stupid and crazy shit. Humanity is the kinda species that just says “fuck it, we ball” and then proceeds to just do exactly what they shouldn’t do. Shit like walking across ice sheets to new continents because why not and go to the fucking moon.

    Someone will figure it out eventually. Might take a couple hundred years (if we don’t kill ourselves first) but we’ll get there.

  • As much as I hate to admit this, I don’t think this will change my opinion on her. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s incredibly fucked up that they continue to give them the weapons they use to murder civilians. But I also know that pretty much every president that has been elected since Israel has existed as a country would do exactly the same. The vast majority of politicians are spineless when it comes to Israel and always will be, regardless of party affiliation. No matter who gets elected it will always be the same answer with varying degrees of severity. And even if Harris wanted to do something about it, do you really think she would say anything new until she knew for a fact she was going to win? She’d get ostracized by the majority of her own party and potentially lose a bunch of those fancy endorsements she just received.

    I’m not saying it’s right. In fact, it’s so fucked up it makes my blood boil. I’m just saying that politicians are fucking cowards and always will be.

  • I don’t even trust AI to give me factual information about common flowers found in my state. So why the fuck are people using it to make decisions about killing people?

    I have a few theories.

    Either these guys are dumb enough to believe AI is actually smart, which it isn’t. AI gives you information based off of what it knows. The problem is that AI still doesn’t have the capability to fact check itself. It has no idea what’s real or isn’t real. If it’s fed bullshit information it will provide bullshit answers. Which comes to my second theory…

    They purposely fed it false information to get the information they wanted. Like confirmation bias but for AI. I’ve messed around with a bunch of different AI over the course of this new craze and with pretty much every single one you can get the information you want if you brute force your way into giving it to you. It’s not even that hard in some circumstances. Scale that up to an AI being used to come up with military targets and you got yourself a golden ticket to do whatever you want and just blame the AI. Which brings me to my third theory…

    It’s bullshit. They are just blaming AI so they can say it isn’t their fault while also continuing to do what they are doing. It’s like saying your dog ate your homework. It’s a shitty excuse and no one will believe you, but now you can just blame everything on the dog and feel better about doing it again and again.

    This whole thing just stinks of more excuses as to why they are literally committing genocide. The rules may be different, but you’re doing the exact same shit as everyone else that has done genocide. Maybe just don’t murder innocent people just trying to stay alive.

  • I have nothing against the people that are working on AI and appreciate the work they do. However every time I see an article about a company using AI like this I just get the vibe that it’s a bunch of middle aged men trying desperately to make things like the “future” they saw when they were a kid. I’ve seen amazing implementations of AI in a lot of different ways but I’m so sick of dumb ideas like this because some guy that used to watch Star Trek as a kid wants to feel like they live in the future while piggybacking on someone else’s work. It’s like the painted tunnel in cartoons where it looks like a real tunnel but in reality it’s just a very convincing lie. And that’s all that it is. Complexity does not mean sophistication when it comes to AI and never has and to treat it as such is just a forceful way to make your ideas come true without putting in the real effort.

    Sorry, I had to get that out. Also I have nothing against Star Trek and I used to watch it as a kid because my parents watched it all the time.