• 6 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2024


  • MBFC calls both The Guardian and Breitbart “MIXED” in their factual accuracy. For Breitbart? It’s because they’re an alt-right disinformation factory which as a policy denies fundamental and provably true scientific facts like climate change, spreads baseless, trivially disproven conspiratorial nonsense, and intentionally misleads readers left and right. For The Guardian? Well they’ve failed five fact checks in the last five years, and these fact checks are as robust as, umm…

    “Private renting is making millions of people ill.”

    “Private renting is making millions of people ill, but maybe this happens with other housing situations too, we don’t know, so we rate this as false.”

    MBFC is a joke, and this bot is a pathetic sham.

  • MBFC calls both The Guardian and Breitbart “MIXED” in their factual accuracy. For Breitbart? It’s because they’re an alt-right disinformation factory which as a policy denies fundamental and provably true scientific facts like climate change, spreads baseless, trivially disproven conspiratorial nonsense, and intentionally misleads readers left and right. For The Guardian? Well they’ve failed five fact checks in the last five years, and these fact checks are as robust as, umm…

    “Private renting is making millions of people ill.”

    “Private renting is making millions of people ill, but maybe this happens with other housing situations too, we don’t know, so we rate this as false.”

    MBFC is a joke, and this bot is a pathetic sham.

  • I’ve had a similar experience too. One time I couldn’t find my phone, so I start looking high and low. Not in my bedroom, not in the bathroom, the kitchen… At this point, I’m turning over every stone, looking through cabinets and drawers, running out to my car to see if it’s in there. Come back in and decide that it must’ve fallen under my bed and I just didn’t hear it. Can’t see under there really well, so I pull out the flashlight on my phone. Start looking under there, still not turning up. The panic is really starting to kick in.

    An embarrassing amount of time passes before I realize that I’m holding and using the thing I’m looking for.

  • Yeah, like I dunno, I think a lot of things I do by accident with my ADHD are super cool. But it definitely hurts more than it helps, and I don’t think that’s just because “we live in a society”. This post feels like huffing a suffocating dose of copium.

    • “Oh, sorry, I heard literally every word of what you just said, but my brain encoded nothing.”
    • “My sleep schedule is casually off by like five hours because I lost track of time hyperfocusing on learning about competitive Jenga until 4 AM.”
    • “I know I could have been doing things, but I had this thing I needed to be at in 8 hours, so I just couldn’t focus on them.”
    • “I either lose everything or create an intricate, tedious framework for where I keep everything at all times.”
    • “I struggle immensely to cope with stress in a healthy way and have issues with my temper.”
    • “If I can focus at all, it will be on exactly one thing, either for unhealthily long periods of time to the detriment of everything else or for so briefly that I accomplish nothing before moving on to the next dopamine rush.”
    • “I have a much higher risk of substance abuse because my body is starving for dopamine.”
    • “I have trouble keeping promises I’ve made to other people because they vanish out of my mind.”
    • “I constantly miss small details and need to quintuple check everything I do.”
    • “My priorities are constantly fucked, and I consistently put off everything until the last minute.”
    • “It often feels physically painful for me to focus when it’s not on the first thing my brain decides it wants to do.”

  • First sentence actually: “Experts, governments, United Nations agencies, and non-governmental organisations have accused Israel of carrying out a genocide against the Palestinian people during its invasion and bombing in the Gaza Strip during the ongoing Israel–Hamas war.”

    You know who else was found to have committed genocide through accusations by international organizations, NGOs, governments, and experts? Literally every government that’s committed genocide in the history of fucking anything ever because there’s not a god of genocide that descends from on high to inform humanity that a genocide has been committed. Like I know this genocide-denying argument is being made in bad faith, but can you at least have some dignity about it and make it seem like you’re at least trying to be intelligent?

  • Not really. In terms of engaging with posts, oh my god, absolutely it’s worse. Twitter and its clones suck when it comes to engaging with things people post (but Mastodon at least makes it a bit better by increasing the character limit). But there’s just something different about following a hashtag versus following a Lemmy community. Like for example, when it comes to getting highly detailed, up-to-the-minute news about things, Mastodon beats Lemmy every time. Additionally, I can see people’s random, one-off takes that wouldn’t really warrant a post on Lemmy.

    I would argue too that it’s not even true that you should just be focused on following hashtags, but rather that you should be trying to do both.

    To me, Lemmy is the type of place I could kill two hours; for Mastodon, it’s maybe 15 minutes, but that doesn’t make it inferior, just a different use-case. It’s pretty apples-to-oranges.

  • Moreover, they note that it’s a small community with three subscribers, which could actually hold weight as evidence of brigading if we were on Reddit. But on Lemmy? Nah, you kind of just see everything.

    If we’re sorting by new on /r/all, I need to scroll back several pages on RiF to even see something that was posted 30 seconds ago; the chance that more than a few users will see the same feed there is tiny.

    On Lemmy, by contrast, sorting ‘All’ by new gives me posts in the last 10-ish minutes on just the first page; things just move a ton more slowly. Consequently, there’s a lot more outsiders who are liable to see and interact with your post in a small community.

  • I like how despite copy-pasting these large excerpts as a Gish gallop, you cut it off right before:

    Further, while The Guardian has failed several fact checks, they also produce an incredible amount of content; therefore, most stories are accurate, but the reader must beware, and hence why we assign them a Mixed rating for factual reporting.

    That’s not at all what mixed is?? If you fail like five fact checks in five years while you put out more than quintuple that amount of articles per day, that’s not “MIXED”, and it’s literal orders of magnitude different than the disinformation factory that Breitbart is.

    Moreover, the fact checks don’t even seem to be accurate. “Private renting is making people ill.” “Private renting is making people ill, but maybe this happens with other housing situations too, we don’t know, so we rate this as false.”

    Absolutely asinine.