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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • There’s a part 1 to this video that goes into it. Basically:

    • videos are faked (reality level TV stuff - making the timers look like they’re still counting down)
    • there was a person who was recently on staff who was a sexual deviant named Ava Kris Tyson who also seemed to be obsessed with teenagers and ran a discord server talking about inappropriate stuff (this is worse than my description sounds)
    • Beast was on this server for a time but doesn’t seem to have been an active participant
    • Illegal lotteries from the Streaming “giveaways”
    • claiming his chocolate is “healthy” and encourage kids to eat it to have a chance at randomly winning a prize
    • in Aus, having an app for the chocolate that says you win a prize when you pull the slots but you actually don’t win anything (basically getting triple 7s and getting told you win nothing)
    • safety issues with the beast games, moving to Canada so no union workers can join, etc.
    • this video explains some horrible stuff Mr Beast and team did for a single video

    Really the biggest deal I think is the illegal lotteries. Because those are actual criminal acts

  • Have you considered prestidigitation or minor illusion?

    They’re my two favorite spells on the game. Usually if I’m playing a spellcasting with access to them I’ll grab at least one, if not both. Message and Mending are some follow up favorites. Guidance is mechanically very powerful and spammable, assuming you can stay out of earshot of unassuming NPCs you want to haggle with.

    Prestidigitation is basically a very small, very localized Wish spell and can do nearly anything if you have creativity. Cleaning and soiling is good for role play, preventing disease (if you all track that sort of stuff), warming and cooling is good for role play as well. Everyone loves their cold drinks to stay frosty after all. You can also summon real small trinkets that are smaller than the palm of your hand. Want some sunglasses for walking away from an explosion?

    Minor illusion can do much the same, but in a larger area. I’ve found it to be a solid choice for distracting enemies based on the situation. Once, we were being accosted by cannibalistic fish men, and I used minor illusion to conjure a fish man’s severed head near the party to distract them for a round. You can also create (some) cover using minor illusion, so the ranger or rogue can shoot their bow or crossbow with ½ or ¾ cover pretty much anywhere. This could work if you too if you’re at a range. Approaching an enemy with ranged weapons and they’re more than your walking speed away?

    Walk 30 feet toward them, creat a 5 foot tall boulder, and stick yourself behind it and potentially gain +2 to +5 AC or be untargetable unless they see through the illusion.

    Edit: the cover will only be useful if you have a decent spellcasting modifier and/or the creatures you’re fighting don’t have blind/truesight/tremorsense. I can’t find the rules offhand, but I believe seeing through illusions requires an investigation check of 10 + your spellcasting modifier to see through. So if you’re using Intelligence to cast you may only have a DC of 9-11 as a fighter, and many passive investigations can see through the illusions.