Why not both
Why not both
Because you keep parroting the same argument in the face of direct contradictions.
Are you a chatbot?
Incorrect premise. A pager is an ordinary consumer electronic device that can and did find its way into innocent hands.
Similar to a lot of other highly effective attacks, its also a war crime ☹️
Nobody votes for cabinet members. Why is it useful to say so?
Every single time I open the perfect question the only answer is “we already covered this, use the search”
14 miles?
This kid was on a hardcore camping hike
It takes 30 minutes to explore the engineering topic. Its interesting for me
Yes, I do.
All hail Earth Emperor Musk
I guess you could load the shells twice as hot
Mutually Assured Drone Destruction?
a semi-automatic shotgun has a lot less recoil than a single shot gun because it uses the recoil energy to cycle in the next round.
Not sure what type of action they have on these guns
Seems like theres some widespread DNS problems again today
Welcome to the club! - murica
Can I assume all the clips end because they exploded?
Besides the obvious