I don’t want to “meet” a chatbot.
I don’t want to “meet” a chatbot.
Lynx all the way
I would like to be able to download and swap out keyboard bindings with community-produced variants
And they probably never reseeded it afterwards either, the inconsiderate prats
Rechargable hand warmers, pack of two, 10000mah
And they probably never reseeded it afterwards either, the inconsiderate prats
I want to make a deepfake of myself so I can sit in on meetings etc without actually having to do that
What a shitpump
I don’t get it. What would they redefine it to?
What a bunch of jackasses
Sure yeah the Bloods and Crips are famous for their bake sales
Lol protectionist swine
Well, the best time to plant an apple tree is twenty years ago
They should start sooner rather than later
Is there any legal reason why the UK cannot rejoin the EU?
How about when their staff wanted to speak out against genocide? Has the BBC apologized for those muzzlings yet?
I would say that neither corporation forcing AI on us is fair by any stretch
Lol serves you right for pushing AI onto us without our consent
I don’t get it