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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Fucking idiot Faeser again. She’s a walking faux pa, a walking traffic accident. She does so much shit every day, that just reading her name makes me puke a little. If her bullshit wouldn’t have so big consequence one could just ignore this dumb cow. The day she gets kicked out of every political position I’ll party.

    And yes I’m aware of what I said is rude and I look like an idiot too, but she is one of the few except where I feel no holding back.

  • Downvotes are one of the most important indicator if a post is trolling or nonsense. If it only shows the total, you lose all sense of perspective. A post could have 2 upvotes and 1 downvote or 10000 upvotes and 9999 downvoted, this massively changes the context of a post. Also why should I not use a vote to say I disagreed with something? I don’t always want to write a detailed explanation, especially not when people reply with “did an AI write this?” or simply ignore what I said. Most cases are not like your comment where there’s a valid reason to explain something.

  • You throw so much stuff into this. I don’t feel like writing an essay. Especially since you already brushed over the important parts and then bring up minorities. I literally don’t care about minorities when it’s about a swastika. Indian managed to add four dots or inverted it. And there are so tiny fractions of minorities of them here, that it doesn’t matter. The very same with the fox gesture. At very most you see it at a baby metal concert and that’s about it.

    Look what is going on when you allow symbols.


    The police isn’t even stopping them.

    Yes we still have neo Nazis showing up, but exactly because of people like you. Who gave them room. Who allowed them to group up. Who didn’t deny them spreading their hate. I have very very little sympathy if the removal of those rights does touch a tiny minority. It’s not a tolerance paradox that you fabricate.

    write better laws

    What a joke of a reply. That’s exactly what they do, forbid ideology symbols. So people don’t watch TV or go on the streets and see these extremist group symbols and they themselves feel recognized and welcome. You’re out of your mind if you believe this has no effect. Stop protecting Nazis and other fascism by throwing unimportant culture into it. You do know what Nazis want? They screw your history and culture. If this little bit of, losing a hand gestures, is too much to show a big fuck you to those extremist, then you’re just a hidden supporter.

    What other law, than making this perticular symbol illegal, is there to do? All the other things are already not allowed. You have yet to be precise. Because you don’t have a solution!

  • You don’t do this right away and not for everything the extremists touch. But There’s a good reason why swastika and Nazi salut are illegal. The silent fox gesture isn’t that new.

    So far I’ve only read “we can’t forbid it”, so what? Make an offer then how to solve it. I’m all ear.

    Certainly not letting them spread their propaganda is goal here. The extremist aren’t helped here by forbidden the hand sign because everyone who is no longer using it was using it in good intention before, knows why not to use it any longer. It’s that simple.

  • It’s time to considering another way to tackle extremism than to ban symbol and hand sign.

    There’s no other way and it’s important to ban extremism. The importance to not give room to Nazi like ideologies is bigger than people no longer doing fox hand gestures in public. Sucks but so it is with a lot of laws, a lot of people aren’t the problem it’s the few that are.

    Also, so far we’ve been very successful banning these symbols. The US, not so much and look how well this works out.

    If the issue of misuse appears more prominent in Asia, I’m sure they’ll act the same way and ban it.