• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 2nd, 2023


  • It’s scary and upsetting right now.

    Here’s what I do: I help. In little ways. I don’t have a lot to offer to things physically or financially, but I help in ways I am able.

    Foster animals. Volunteer at soup kitchens or food banks. Plant a garden. Let flowers grow on your lawn. Donate books to a “little free library”. Put out video tutorials. Sign petitions. Offer to answer questions in your area of expertise. Recycle. Put out kind words & encouragement to strangers. Donate blood or plasma.

    Honestly? Do what is in your power to make the spaces around you positive and beautiful. It doesn’t have to be “huge” contributions, because not all of us have the power to do everything, but we certainly have the power to do something.

    And don’t forget: you are an important part of this world, too. So take care of yourself and do what makes you happy, as well.

  • As long as those kids are clothed & fed, CPS will do nothing.

    But I might put in a tip just to say that I’ve done something.

    Also, I know she’s doing other weird shit. But my family tells me to mind my own business and “that’s just how her family chooses to live their lives.”

    Gave my SIL a warning when I saw she was letting her kid have a Tiktok account at 10 years old. “It’s just an app that posts dance videos!” Wow surprise when she caught her posting VERY inappropriate videos of herself later and talking to MUCH older men.

    I fucking hate how my siblings choose to raise their kids.

  • Dear God, if only…

    She was telling me about how her toddler son fell off the back steps and bashed his head on the sidewalk. Then she said that “he didn’t cry was moving his jaw weird” so she RUSHED HIM TO THE CHIROPRACTOR!

    I held back the urge to scream as I loudly and incredulously asked “Why the chiropractor??? You should have gone to the hospital???” but only got an “oh he was fine, tee hee!”

    She’s putting her poor kids in danger with her horseshit beliefs, and I can’t do anything about it.

    Fucking infuriating.

    I just avoid ever interacting with her now.