Thanks but, yeah, still not getting it. So Russia recruits a shark, known for not being a particularly nice creature, then adds the moon?
Thanks but, yeah, still not getting it. So Russia recruits a shark, known for not being a particularly nice creature, then adds the moon?
So I know their moon probe crashed, but I don’t get it. ELI5, please.
Q: Why are the Pyramids in Egypt?
A: Because England couldn’t figure out a way to ship them to the British Museum.
Tourists: What about my Constitutional Rights! If it wasn’t for us, you’d all be speaking German now!
“It’s called summer, libtards. There’s always mass die-offs of entire ecosystems in summer.”
We’re fucked.
Let me guess, fire caused by someone smoking a cigarette again?
Why are most of these videos obscured by massive watermarks?
(Professor Farnsworth Voice) Good News, Everyone! The planet is dying but here’s a happy little article about a parrot!
“Yevgeny, It’s Vladimir! Hey, no hard feelings buddy! Why don’t you fly on over so we can put all of this behind us?”