You heard it here folks, you shouldn’t question something unless you are directly affected by it.
Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.
Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.
Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.
You heard it here folks, you shouldn’t question something unless you are directly affected by it.
But the business analysts are the most profitable group, anywhere! If you don’t believe me just hire a business analyst to analyze things and they’ll prove it to you!
I haven’t logged into Facebook in over a decade, can’t even remember the login email. Can’t be arsed to jump through hoops to ask for it to be deleted.
Can’t imagine why anyone would willingly make a fb page today.
"They came first for the distros. But I didn’t speak up, because it was only Facebook and only Linux. "
cue 5 minutes of
Repeat at next joint.
I mean, what were they going to do, say “yes we keep slaves, next question please”?
Having owned a couple low end printers, the ender 3 is my favorite budget option.
I’ve installed a couple upgrades, some of which I 3d printed on the printer itself, but my favorite ones are the borosilicate glass bed with a thermal pad to help spread out the heat quickly, and a dual z axis stepper motor.
If you’re not into tinkering, I’ve heard good things about Bambu, although I do not know much about them myself. Apparently they’re more user-friendly.
I enjoy working on my devices, but I would like something with more reliability than “recalibrate everything for every single print” sometimes.
It really is a hobby where spending just a little bit more will get you a ton of extra features and user experience.
Yeah, but if they do reasonable things, then they can’t use her as an example/warning to intimidate persuade others to not protest except in perfectly acceptable, out of sight ways.
There’s several of us in Ohio, what if we toss Mike dewine and his ilk to Kentucky?
must’ve read David vs. Goliath and sided with the Goliath.
Bold of you to assume that they can read, or that they have read the Bible.
In my experience not even “devout Christians” do that last one.
Don’t care how they got it.
Unethically, probably illegally.
A person can dream.
Make every company that has a whistleblower die in ANY way face extremely heavy penalties including, but not limited to: 75% taxing on all income for a period of time as part of a fine, jail time for executives, board members, and potentially large shareholders, potential nationalization of the company, etc
Make every company afraid to have a whistleblower die. Make them want to hire private security and pay for all health expenses to ensure the person lives because the alternative is the company ceases to exist in any way that benefits those in charge.
As always, some people see Jurassic Park as inspiration and wonder why nobody gave Hammond a chance.
The rest of us know that Dr. Malcolm was right from the start.
Yeah, I don’t think anyone would ask you “Are you okay with sitting at the bar with nazis?” yet plenty will happily judge you for saying “I’d rather not have to deal with MAGAts and their opinions”
Sorry but if your opinion is “trans people aren’t people” or “blacks need to know their place” then your opinion is shit and no the fuck I don’t have to listen to it
we can’t figure out how to take the mega-rich’s thumb off the scales of democracy/justice
Well, one of us did yesterday at least.
Can confirm, I was in my living room playing it and suddenly got teleported to the front lines with my new CO screaming in my face.
Luckily I could just transport back.
Commenters are the worst.
Especially the ones that have custom profiles with names and shit.
Like Bro you aren’t fooling anyone, we all know you aren’t really a squid that flies.
I mean, starting in January, the US is an unreliable partner to everyone…
If every soldier turned toward Moscow right now, they’d have the higher ups scrambling to throw each other out windows, starting at the top, before they get to the city limits.