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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Just watch that xkcd graphic my dude. Somebody else already linked it. It makes the issue very clear and is quite scientifically based.

    Yes, everything you said is factually true. That doesn’t mean your interpreting it all correctly. We not just accelerated it, we where strolling along the path of planetary heating and then decided to step aboard the Starship Enterprise and screamed: “MR SULU WARP FACTOR NINE, STAT!”

    We’re fucking with systems (planetary weather patterns) we can’t comprehend. And to solve it we again fuck with that system but now not by adding energy (heat) but by removing energy from it (wind, radiation)

    I think both will have issues. But for now removing lots and lots of energy from the system will greatly benefit us.

    In the end it will always come down to population control or going interplanetary as a species.

    More people on this planet, in this system will always mean more heat. Remove the excess from the system and it will find its equilibrium again.

    But… Removing the excess sounds nice but isn’t. Especially when you are deemed to be the excessive one.

    You want to know where global warming can lead to? Look no further then Venus.

  • Where I live (NL, EU) there are several charging stations (+20 spots) within a 10 mile radius. Every neighborhood has like 5-10 parking spots with a charger. Around 10-15% of the residential housing have their own high-power charging outlet. Office buildings have around the same percentage (10-15%) of their parking lot converted to charging parking spots. Even parking lots in cities come with that same percentage of charging stations these days.

    Next to that around 30% of all housing is equipped with solar panels. New office buildings and factories all have giant solar arrays on their roofs. No exceptions.

    In the EU the biggest problem is not willingness or effort. The biggest problem is reality. You can’t connect that all to a power grid designed in the 60s. Energy infrastructure is hard, big and slow to build. Our grid is full. We are building like mad men but it just isn’t realisable in a short time. Especially since all of the EU is building a new grid at the same time… Building (nuclear) power plants, wind mills, conversion stations, high power grid cables all takes a lot of time.

    But, mobility in the EU is starting to become too expensive for the median income. Here a litre of ron95 gasoline is around 2 euros. The purchase of new cars are taxed to insanity here in NL. Around 50% of the price is tax. A new electric vehicle with acceptable range is somewhere around 50-60k (ionic, ev5/6)

    Electric vehicles had all sorts of tax exemptions. That’s changing. Soon they’re also taxes to the fullest.

    Alas, everyone who doesn’t have a job which provides a car does what I do: drive that old piece of garbage till it really falls apart.

    And I think that are the 2 main reasons for the laxer rules on ice vehicles. Reality regarding the needed infrastructure and cost to the public. Everything has become so much more expensive the last 4 years.

  • “All children deserve equal participation and more opportunities through inclusive education,” Brandenburg said.

    I concur. Unfortunately I also somewhat concur with this weird guy on this topic because the current system does not result in equal participation.

    The current system results in a lot of unhappy parents and unhappy students and burned out teachers.

    That doesn’t sound or look viable. But it is what we got in a lot of the EU.

    The inclusion project almost always results in exclusion. Only in the first few years it does work.

    After that it quickly becomes very apparent for all the kids that that one kid is different. And that the teacher spends all most all his time on that one kid. Which results in envy and jealousy. And that one kid also feels like shit because of that.

    Kids, like adults, can and will be very mean.

    In the school of my kids I’ve seen it work twice, in 13 years. All the other times it ended with a premature departure of the special needs kid.

    Now I’m not talking about mild autism or mild adhd or a small mental deficiency. Those are manageable and those kids should be teached at a “normal” school. I’m talking about the severe cases of those and syndromes like down.

    (source parent of 3 kids, in the Netherlands with somewhat the same system.)

  • No need to apologise for anything bud, this is the Internet where Linus rants daily! We all do!

    I understand you’re fed up with all the sync bs. I just think we have to try to turn this in/to a way everybody gets better from it.

    The reddit refugees are happy because “this feels just like home”, they(we) don’t care it’s 20 bucks!

    The og Foss crowd grumpingly :) accepts the higher amount of contributions which stems from that. (this is the point we’ve to drive home to ljdawson(sync dev)

    And we all benefit because the fediverse grows and keeps growing, more content, more everything. Shiny beautiful future, end to war and world hunger, beginning of a new era where humanity reaches for the stars or dies because of a rogue AI or because of a runaway greenhouse effect.

    Wait. No, not those last ones. It should have a happy ending.

    Anyway: Everybody is happy. More or less. :) *for a while. *

  • Did somebody asked your opinion?

    No. But here we are. Reading about the “sync cult” whatever that is.

    So… Let’s extend that courtesy to everyone, all right?

    Because a “nobody asked about your opinion” stance is a sure fire way to end any discussion platform. Like lemmy.

    What I do think that Mr. Dawson should do is direct a percentage of that sweet sync income at lemmy.world and the lemmy devs. That would end or at least lessen this discussion.

  • Nice write up. But: what’s the gain for meta? Embrace, extend, extinguish is what you do to competition. Don’t forget meta is a Corp. Corps do things for money. All I see in your example is a cash drain. Corps don’t do cash drains. By joining the fediverse they get all that sweet content… For free. No hosting. No administration, just… Content. That’s the best deal ever for any data firm.

    I do see plusses for meta so my take is: embrace? Yes. Extend? Yes. Extinguish? No visible upside, just downsides. So no.

    This is no Microsoft in the 90s. Meta’s product is data. Not office suites or an OS. Why pay for data when the fediverse provides you that for free?

    They want more. Not less.