They will most likely keep the brand names. But operate as a single company. Similar to how GM or Nissan operated after mergers. Not really different.
No they don’t think they are! That’s why they voted for Trump!
It’s no different than the pyramid for most countries around the world.
Is this a threat? Does this indicate imminent invasion of Canada soon after Trump resumes power? Is this how he means to deal with border issues, by erasing borders with Canada? What about Mexico? /s
Jesus christ. This is back to the dark ages.
So is this the beginning of the 60s for China?
It’s like Europe hasn’t learned the lessons of two world wars.
United Wa State Army (UWSA) are Myanmar-based guerilla army running a quasi-independent state in territories it controls under a formal agreement with Myanmar’s military junta.
In an ironic twist, Rohingya are cooperating with murderous military Junta led by the same military chief who committed the Rohingya genocide back in 2017.
Yeah home brew whiskey is a tradition there apparently according to a Bourdain vlog I saw some years ago. People have to be careful with that stuff.
Yeah shocking isn’t it. China has taken over in US backyard.
Interesting. Cops are corrupt in Mexico that’s why they’re using troops. Can they make troops cops too?
Which ones have successfully eradicated the drug trafficking culture in their countries? Mexico and Columbia have always been the traditional ones. Not sure how big drug industry is elsewhere.
Video report of the incidents:
My guess is it must be at capacity and there’s no space to build a parallel lane next to the tracks. This is conveyor belt so it is constantly moving in both directions with pellets being dropped back and forth. Of course rail industry has been trying to get to the “conveyor belt” idea for sometime but to have one that’s constantly moving both directions isn’t executable.
Well then, do enlighten me? Who’s going to step up providing aid to Ukraine once US stops?
Without Biden Ukraine is gone. Europe doesn’t have a single backbone to stand up to Russia. If they become Russia’s beeswax, it’s on them.
This is the most damning rebuke of Democrats and their leaders. Trump’s tactics worked.
This article comes on the heels of another that says Japanese births continue to decline this year:
Are any of these stories true? How legit is this publication? Jesus this is horrible.