Just a normal alarm timer app.
Forget appointments? Lose track of time when doing things? I set timers. Most apps allow recurring timers. For example I got one going off twice each day to remind me to drink some water.
I gotta leave in 40 minutes so I got some time to read or whatever. If I don’t set an alarm I’ll lose track of time and be late. Easy fix.
As far as habits go.
Be honest with myself about my shortcomings. If I start gaming at 9 pm it won’t be half an hour. Be honest. Go to bed now or accept it will be midnight.
No, I won’t just do that later. I will forget. Write it down or do it now. Else I will forget.
The butocracy can be absolute hell as are a huge emphasis on being punctual.
But at least we got a decent enough Healthcare to actuslly get therapy and meds if you need them. It’s barred behind said hellish butocracy. But at least it is there.