Alt account of @[email protected] for looking at stuff Beehaw defederated

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • BRICS is more about resisting european hegemony to establish a new hegemony than anything. As a unit, sometimes they’ll say something real as hell, but generally speaking 90% of what they do is the same evil backstabbing shit we always talk about the US doing to influence global economics and sustain power. When BRICS is taken into consideration with the G-7 what we actually see is a two party system of global torture that more than anything wants to maintain the basic status quo, they just want to shift slightly who’s on top

  • My thing is that there’s a minimum price for fairness, and then there’s products that present themselves as being marked up for fairness that don’t actually benefit the people a fair price should benefit. Your best bet is to do some research into what the minimum fair price something is, and then look for something that price from a local economy.

    Unfortunately, this is next to impossible. The systems in place favor us never knowing where anything comes from, and the research tools we used to be able to use to find fair prices (internet search) have been broken for this purpose for nearly 10 years (not just AI bullshit, but all those SEO pay to play bullshit listicles that even infect real human driven testing processes like The Wirecutter and Gear Lab). I think there’s even an argument to be made that AI is an intentional device to steer us into a digital dark age where finding real trustworthy information is nearly impossible.

  • For sure. That one I can at least… Understand or appreciate that it is related to how hard it is to host potentially illegal content in the jurisdiction the instance is hosted in. But the way the MB/FC situation has been handled is… Embarrassing. Like there’s no way to defend it other than “you yourselves are biased and you want to dictate the kind of bias that is acceptable”

    It speaks to a lack of media literacy by the moderation administration of the instance

  • And they’re not a bunch of country farm idiots fighting alongside western forces either. The high tech advanced weaponry is being operated by Ukrainians. Russian soldiers are discovering for the first time who they’re actually fighting. They were told it was NATO forces and some Ukrainians. Turns out its Ukrainians with some NATO equipment. That itself must be kind of… Unsettling. It raises question for the Russian soldier about what’s really going on. Entering the Kursk region was a huge shock to the world, but I don’t think anyone realized the propaganda value of entering Putin’s sphere of misinformation with truth.

  • These are the words I’ve been looking for. Going back to Russia after surrendering to Ukraine is going to be such a weird experience. These are people who have grown up their entire lives being tortured by their government. These are people who have tortured their POWs in an act of theater to make them fear being captured because they know how awful being tortured must be because they’ve seen it. And then they got captured and experienced… A brief reprieve. What will they experience when they go home? Will anyone listen to them? Or will the friends and relations they return to be too stuck in their ways of their thinking and think that these former POWs were brainwashed by the Ukrainian therapists who are helping them navigate the disorienting nature of not being tortured?

    And the thing is… No matter what, these are still the seeds of something because a few people will listen, and suddenly the Siberian, Ukrainian, and Chechen separatists and anarchist terrorist cells will seem less like fringe groups bent on destruction, and will seem more like the only reasonable people around. I don’t think it will all happen fast enough for Ukraine to be who dissolves the Russian Federation, but the people who will are fighting alongside them now. They’re in their POW camps. They’re people who aren’t of fighting age yet, but whose fathers will come home and tell them what they saw in Ukraine