Yeah, the clickbait hed suggested something far less actually interesting. This is a decent tale of using modern society to bootstrap a product. Wasn’t expecting the Porsche/BMW connection.
Green energy/tech reporter, burner, raver, graphic artist and vandweller.
Yeah, the clickbait hed suggested something far less actually interesting. This is a decent tale of using modern society to bootstrap a product. Wasn’t expecting the Porsche/BMW connection.
Ah, yes … June 6, a day that will live in infamy.
Ah, but now we can live-stream them doing manual labor and make money off that as well!
I was fine with it when it was wavy text to digitise old works. This shit is just asinine and a time sink.
“I see no trucks, only lorries.” Being on a VPN has been getting worse and worse with CAPTCHAs, almost like I’m being punished for telling my ISP they have no right to sell the details of my internet use since I’m paying them.
It’s a lot easier to determine the intent of this hed with the quote being closed somewhere. Just after “service” would have been my guess, but it’s a disservice to remove that and leave people dangling.
My larger issue is that when I’m faced with traffic lights – or, god forbid, motorcycles – this is performative nonsense wherein I’m supposed to guess percentage coverage on a given square without having been provided parameters.
At this point, CAPTCHAs feel designed to make sure you can never get through the first time, thus needing to continue training image models several times before I can just fucking do what I originally came to the site for.
The existing ones seem to already be meaningless.
Heaven forbid anyone commit the crime of disagreeing with Dear Leader! You’ll be called out so that you can start getting death threats or someone actually following through. This is madness.
Doesn’t sound like anything of value will be lost.
Just making sure you’re clean.
The worst people always have the best health coverage.
Leopard, is that you?
The ones cheering it on are even less aware that it’s eventually coming for them.
Well, at least the terror in the U.S. is confined to the government’s computing experts.
Wish I could upvote twice!
90% seems low.
This is generally referred to as 50Gpbs. It’s impressive, but there’s no need to use inappropriate scales.
Exactly. That we’re even having a discussion (as a country) about whether Nazi ideology is OK is an alarming development.
Counterpoint: What’s the relevance of either of those questions for an election that happened three months ago? I don’t like relitigating unspooled events.
You’re welcome to your opinion that Biden or Harris would have been worse, but the facts don’t bear that out at all. I’m not mad at people; I’m somewhat surprised Pikachu that anyone thought this would not be the net result and vote accordingly.
Projecting your political beliefs and rationales on others is not Beeing Nice. Your takeaway is not at all what I said, no matter how much you’d like it to be.
The camera likely provides a rear view on OnlyFans.