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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • I agree with pretty much you’ve said. Though I do want to add on to something.

    Thus, if you want to see continued evolution on this issue by the administration/campaign, you have to first influence the polls. So go on social media and argue with everyone you can sincerely and bring the brutal reality to the American people.

    I’ve taken a similar-ish strategy to this. The Biden campaign and then the Kamala campaign has been emailing me like 8 times a day every day asking for campaign contributions. And every single time I respond back with imagery of the brutality that is being enacted upon palestinians. Unsurprisingly they haven’t responded to a single one. I’m probably just sending shit to their spam folder.

    But yeah, public opinion needs to shift on this. And I think it will, though it’s gonna be a few decades. You may already be familiar with this, but there is a common pattern in student/young adult lead protests, and social rights focused protests, is that in that a few decades after the protests, it turns out that public perception is retroactively on their side.

    This happened with the civil rights movement, vietnam, we’ve seen this with LGBT rights, etc.


    Take a look at these, and most of them are now popularly supported, especially the older they are.


    This one in particular is only a decade old at this point, and the imagery behind this did far more for than any individual protest ever could have done.

    So I think eventually the pro palestinian student lead protests will have an effect and be seen as the right side of history. Unfortunately it’s gonna take a long while, and in the meanwhile a lot of palestinians are gonna die. So all we can do is try to speed up that process of changing public perception.

  • I think we agree on the meat of the matter


    but then also recognize why they can’t do these things;

    It’s a no win situation after all.

    so within the framework of what they can and cannot do, are they not doing everything they strategically can do without jeopardizing the bigger picture of the election?

    Sure, that is what they’re trying to do. But the problem is that there is always going to be another election. They’ll always have motivation to not rock the boat on this. I don’t think there is any reason to hope they’ll change their behavior in February.

    A good example of this is the democrat convention:


    They had an israeli speak at the convention, but when they were pressured to allow a palestinian to speak, they said no. Now I know the DNC/the people who run it and Kamala/Tim and the people that run their campaign are different. But I think this is a window into their psyche. It wouldn’t have cost them the election to have a palestinian speak, let alone a palestinian doctor like they were asking.

    So if they can’t even do the right thing when it won’t cost them an election, why is it going to be any different in February? Sure, AIPAC would most likelt throw a fit over it, but enough to throw the election? Probably not.

    Leftists associating Biden and Harris with genocide ahead of the pivotal election is effectively shooting ourselves, and Gazans, in the foot.

    I partially agree with you here. Yes, a lot of leftists are being short sighted and arrogant about this. But they have good reason to protest, because after all, our tax money is going towards turning palestinians into red mist.

  • Pretty obvious they’ve been trying heavily to get a permanent ceasefire.

    Trying would have been ending the weapons deals, applying sanctions, etc.

    I mean, what, do you actually believe Harris and Biden want to be associated with and commit genocide?

    No, I don’t think they do. But I also think their campaign managers are looking at the number of “we stand with israel” signs in people’s yards (among other things obv) and they’re realizing that taking a hard stance against Israel’s genocide of palestinians would lose them too many votes.

    So they’re skidish about doing the right thing, and taking a half assed approach of trying to negotiate with a dude who’s doing a genocide.

  • I haven’t been making any posts about it, only comments, and even then fairly rarely. Maybe once a month or two. I haven’t said or implied any hatred for Israel’s people. If you can’t even be honest about what I’m saying, the rate at which I am saying it, etc, who are you trying to fool?

    And lastly I’ll take your lack of condemnation of Israel’s actions after being explicitly prompted to as support for their actions, as support for their genocide or palestinians. So much for the whole “jUsT SOmEoNE thaT THinks AnyoNE tHAt DiSAGREes ON AnyThING WIth THem muST suPPoRt genoCIde”