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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • LetsEncrypt is legit. A downside is that the certs expire after 90 days. However, that also carries an upside in that it limits the damage in case a certificate is compromised. There are procedures by which you can automatically renew/request (I forget whether they allow renewing an existing cert or require a brand new one) LE certs and apply them to your application, but that can be fiddly to configure.

    If you’re not comfortable with configuring automatic certificate cycling, a long-term paid cert would be more appropriate.

  • I seem to like tasks to be finished, because if a task is finished, then I don’t have to do it. Once I start doing something, I find myself motivated enough to get to the end of it and put it behind me.

    It’s the starting a task part that I have trouble with. Sometimes I’m able to start something by brute force of will, and just doing “the very first thing” without thinking about anything that comes after. “I’m just going to do the thing that starts this task,” and once I’m in the task, it’s not nearly as hard for me to work through all its steps and make it finished, and by extension, gone.

  • Tax on hoarded wealth is pressure to make that wealth do something productive.

    To be sure, that wealth is doing something productive. Billionaires aren’t sitting on piles of gold bars or packing their mattresses full of cash. But the “something productive” that wealth is doing is being done for other wealthy people.

    A wealth tax makes it so that a teeny weeny part of the “something productive” is for the public good instead of being for rich fuckers to pass around amongst themselves, empowering them to take advantage of everyone else.