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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I feel this in my soul. I have all these hobbies I want to do, and I keep finding more and I keep buying stuff for said hobbies but barely actually manage to do any of them. Same reason I have never been able to decide on a career…to many things I want to do. I genuinely want to do these things, I have officially overwhelmed myself I think. So instead I sit here and waste time on my phone.

  • Yes! Omg…people ask me what they think is a simple question about said hobby completely unaware of the absolute storm that is about to be unleashed upon them. For example, someone asks me a simple how do you keep this plant alive…well you now are going to learn where it is native too, what the climate is like, it’s life cycle and blooming characteristics, its evolution and taxonomy, pollinators and oh don’t forget about the diseases and pests it gets and oh! Let’s talk about soil chemistry…and mushrooms! Fungus are fascinating and network with plants…anyways, you get the idea. And suddenly they are trying to exit the conversation, and im like wait nooo, i have more. 😆

    my friend has seen me do this to so many people and she just sits there with an amused look when she knows it’s about to happen. So glad someone gets entertainment out of it.

  • As thebannanaking has said, for sure seek out help if you are struggling. I think that is the big indicator as to whether they will diagnose you. The symptoms have to be prevalent in your life. Personally if it helps put it in perspective, I’ve kind struggled most my life, a whole lot of fail if i am going to be honest. no clue why, never even thought about adhd until my boss literally sat me down after I almost got fired like 6 months ago and listed out a whole crapton of what I later found out where adhd symptoms. I’ve been struggling real bad lately with not just work but pretty much all areas of my life and so now I’m trying to navigate our crappy Healthcare system and get help. Better late than never I guess. So really what I’m trying to say is if you are having problems please seek help. Don’t be like me and not deal with it for way to many years.

  • Welcome! I moved to lemmy the Sunday before the blackout and haven’t looked back. I did go back finally on June 30 and deleted my account. There may not be as much content now but that will come in time as we all hopefully try and contribute. I was mostly a lurker on reddit myself, only started commenting more within the past year so will try to be better here. I am quite enjoying my time here and I hope you do as well.

  • I have been using chstgpt4 for a project i am working on as well as helping me get myself organized. I also am running a private bot on my computer and am using that as a sort of interactive Journaling tool and a way to release all the chaotic thoughts in my mind. I see great potential for AI to help me and have pretty much I corporated its use into my daily routines. Besides, this technology is fascinating and I may have fallen down the rabbit hole.

  • As a former cannabis user you can judge me. I am clean now and yes it can cause issues and it for sure amplifies any issues you have. I had problems before I started using but didn’t want to deal with them so I started smoking instead. Now here I am way too many years later and trying to finally get real help. Even if you don’t want to quit forever its probably a good idea at least for the assessment and diagnostic phase. It’s good to know how you are without substances that interfere with your natural state whatever that may be. Just my thoughts.