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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Re Concentration I’m not concerned that it is as of yet a problem. However I do think it is also a larger problem for Mastodon and other user-centric platforms than it is to Lemmy and other community-cetric platforms.

    If a Mastodon user wants to leave their server there are migration pains. If your server makes a controversial change, you may have to migrate. As a follower if something goes wrong I have to remember that I was following Ada & Bob, but maybe Bob now goes by Bobby.

    However as a Lemmy user I can just abandon my server and be done with it. If my server makes a controversial change, I can just leave. As a community follower can watch as Star Trek Memes becomes Risa, or Risa becomes Ten Forward. The names changed completely but it’s easy to find my community again.

  • I use flat case most of the time, but I also try to stick to single word files so there is no case to get in the way.

    I think for documents I might share like a PDF I’d use Pascal case.

    In a classroom or teaching setting I will sometimes use Kebab case as I find it is the least confusing and makes it extra clear where the word division is. Similarly I avoid Dot notation since it’s confusing for folks coming from a Windows world.

    And I would avoid Screaming because that’s just too loud anywhere.

  • Is the problem account making or data having persistence/backups?

    Or is the issue having an account on service A, service A dieing and then when you create an account on service B you have to start over again, so we need to improve account portability?

    I guess I also wonder… Is that a real problem for Lemmy? For Mastodon where you follow users sure, but does anyone care about their Lemmy account?

  • It’s definitely amplified to pretend that any existing story is a “real story” or to just pad a slow news day.

    You can just say “Twitter users are saying” and suddenly something sounds important. No need to clarify that it’s just a few dozen people, and by “people” it’s just Twitter accounts many of which are bots.

    The sooner Twitter implodes the better off we all are. Sure I’d like folks to move to Mastodon, but really I don’t care where they go. Bluesky or Threads is fine. Some new hotness/flavor of the week is fine. But Twitter is a lost cause. It’s speeding towards failure since Musk took over but he just accelerated its eventual fate.

  • So I agree with your first part, but for the second part, why make me wait?

    If I wasn’t going to buy it or was going to wait for the reviews. Now that they are out and I want to buy it, why make me wait?

    The correct behavior here seems to be ignore all of influencers and ignore all of the news and ignore all the hype. Ignore all of the things the company wants me to pay attention to, because of I do pay attention then all I get is annoyed that I don’t have it yet.

    Maybe what I find so frustrating is the influencer part. Specifically that YouTube videos are a terrible terrible terrible method to convince me to buy your product, this specific product.

    Like if I wanted to see a film, I might watch a trailer. But in this case someone has already seen the film, and to understand what it is I have to watch them give an interpretive dance. They can’t tell me exactly what was in the film, but they can sort of dance to it and I can probably figure it out.

  • I mean I already bought it, before I knew about any of this pre-release or embargo stuff.

    I’m also not sure your logic tracks even if I hadn’t bought it.

    I am excited for a product. They build hype. I’m still excited, but also annoyed.

    But if I weren’t excited. They build hype. Now I am excited, but also annoyed.

    I fully understand why they release it to “influencers”, but why prevent me from having the product? They’ve made the sale. I’m in. All they’re doing is preventing further sales. If I can’t have the thing I bought then I can’t want more of a similar thing.

  • Yeah the lawyer nonsense is just extra on top of it all.

    I’ve spent the past hour or so reading up on Pathfinder 2e and I think I understand the basics of it (at least as much as you can in a short time vs the years I’ve had to learn 5e).

    I’m probably not going to switch anytime soon, but I’m more open to the idea now.

    I don’t feel like I’m being treated like garbage by Hasbro. Not to say I trust them or that I feel like I’m being treated super well, more like they are idiots. I’m aware of the previous issues with the company regarding licensing, so I suppose this is just another mark against them.

    I’ve been pretty happy with 5e as a whole, as have the other DMs and players I play with. Switching would require a lot of effort, which is why I’m inclined to stick with it.

  • It’s mostly that I love making characters and theory crafting.

    In terms of actually playing, all the games I’m in at the moment are sticking with the current rules for a while.

    But also doesn’t this just seem like a terrible way to roll out a product? A product that has the term Rules As Written (RAW) and then not having the written rules available, but presumably paying people to make videos about them? Just annoying I guess.