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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Of course the public can only respond to a story after it has been released.

    We are discussing Facebook censoring (incorrectly identified) misinformation.

    The response letter of ex spies had nothing do to with Facebook’s actions, which were actually based on misleading FBI warnings.

    Again, at no point have you established as a fact that it was not Russian propaganda.

    You want me to prove a negative? Ok. No russians were involved in fixing Hunter’s laptop.

    contradicting your claim that the public misconception about it was due to FBI planting the seeds.

    I made no such claim. In fact the opposite is true. The lack of public communication by the FBI about the origins of the laptop story is what is damaging.

    I gave you a letter of a bunch of intelligence officially pointing out how it has the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign.

    None of which were true, because it has been proven in court via serial numbers that the laptop is genuine. Claims of Russian propaganda are pure misinformation.

    “the laptop is his” which we agree is not in dispute,

    We agree this is true, so how then do the Russians fit into your conspiracy theory?

    Again, read the fucking letter.

    Again, the letter was sent 5 days after censorship began. It is not relevant.

  • Did you read the letter i posted? This is where the whole “Russian disinformation” public perception comes from,

    Your letter is not relevant. We are discussing why Facebook immediately started censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story published on the 14th October 2020. This has absolutely nothing to do with a disinformation letter released 5 days later on the 19th.

    questionable timeline

    What are you questioning?

    where the FBI plants some vague seeds

    Referenced directly by Zuckerberg as the specific reason for censorship.

    and the public is smart enough to make the connection.

    No, the Facebook content team were duped into connecting the laptop story to Russian propaganda.

    Maybe this is because it was Russian disinformation, which is why the FBI never corrected it.

    OK. I’d love to hear you arguing this. At what point were the Russians involved in repairing Hunter Biden’s laptop?

    it’s not their job to correct public opinion.

    It’s not the FBI’s job to run PR interference for a politician’s son, but that’s exactly what they did. Court documents prove they had foreknowledge and proof that Hunter’s laptop was genuine.