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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Does anyone have stats on Afghanistan’s opinions on America’s occupation right before we left? I imagine most of them wanted America to leave…

    Though I’m now curious what their TRUE opinion was of the Taliban, because I see people wanting Communism back in Russia, I imagine people wanted the Taliban back instead of the Americans.

    I’m sure at least 50 percent of them are like “Fuck no” (women), but when that group isn’t a huge part of the people guarding the country, I wonder if this was inevitable. Even if we somehow destroyed the entire Taliban, there would be another fundamental Islamic group who wanted to take over.

  • I’m not surprised.

    Hell I’m pretty sure people are forgetting Ukraine is at war. This is why I hated the “They’re winning” “Russia is retreating” rhetoric. Because wars take a long time and a lot of people will die in them. People are cheering something they have no part in but by saying “Ukraine is winning” I think many of them also add “And now we can stop focusing on them”.

    Part of it is the media diverting attention or focusing on what they want people to focus on (watch how coverage of different shootings are covered. If it’s a white guy with a death toll, it’s covered far more than if it’s a woman, a non-minority, or a low death toll. People will defend that by “It’s focusing on the higher death toll” But doesn’t focus on the coverage changes based on race, gender, or if it’s a gang/drug related shooting.

    Part of this is click bait but I think part of it too is a narrative that’s formed. Which is why school shootings are covered more than random alleys and such. But the reason why isn’t the problem, it’s more how the media shapes the national narrative due to what they decide to focus on.

    The other part is people have enough going on in their life that they can’t think of every little thing going on in the world, but since the news is covering this, I guess we’ll focus a bit on Afghanistan for a bit again.

  • I think you’re missing what I’m bemoaning. It’s not “Youtube doesn’t work”. It’s “Good viral content no longer exists” When this video or Charlie bit my finger got popular it got popular OUTSIDE of people who were searching for it. People got exposure to something unique fresh and new that wasn’t something they always clicked on.

    Now it feels like everyone is in their little echo chamber in youtube, which is great, I get to see SBNation, NumberPhile, Tom Scott, and Your Movie Sucks… and don’t see Mr. Beast or PewdiePie, because that’s what I choose to view.

    But nothing spreads “Virally” any more because youtube feels like they locked down what people see to what they 100 percent know people want to see with no chance.

    A bigger different problem with this is what happens on twitter and sites like that, where it reinforces bad mentalities. If you only look at alt-right or progressive videos, you start to ONLY see those, and you aren’t getting a wealth of different opinion, you basically get a singular view of the world, because that’s what you want to see. It’d be fine, but people start to think “What I see on social media is representative of the entire world.” And that’s the first step on a bad path.

  • That’s the thing, it’s not viral if it’s personalized. “Viral” expands far outside of the niche. You might not like videos of baby or slice of life videos, but Charlie bit my finger was everywhere. Almost no one wanted Rick Astley, but everyone saw it. Even this, I don’t look up dance videos, but I Watched this whole thing. That’s where “Viral” is… The “this is popular even without being a fan of it.”

    Now it seems the only videos that do that is shitty drama or clickbait crap.

  • As someone said in the comments, they really don’t make (promote) videos like this any more.

    It’s just a beautiful video, someone performed something on stage, the crowd clearly loved it. It required real talent, and wasn’t just done to get Youtube views in a weekly/daily video posts trying only to drive engagement.

    A shame that Youtube’s best days are long behind it. Yes the beast is bigger than ever and has so many more people, but it’s not quality rising to the top.

  • This is making me think…

    1. Some guy hates his job, which is to fly to Voyager from Space station Gamma 32 and clean it off, because kids like to take their spacecraft out and tag it with rude names. Voyager still continues on it’s trek. The guy hates his job, it’s just what was known as a Janitor on Earth, which has almost no purpose in the post-consumption society.

    And yet we sit here in 2023 and would be utterly fascinating with every single part of that idea. I don’t know if we’ll ever reach it, but I could see a future that is so far ahead of where we are today, that it would be unrecognizable.

    I hope we have a chance to get there.