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Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • Rowling is an hell of a woman. She’s donated more money than we will ever earn and doesn’t dodge her taxes.

    She lost her billionaire status a few years ago after donating between 160 to 200 million quid!

    Say what you want about her views on gender, but she has done more good for the world than most.

    Introduced an entire generation to reading. Millions of kids who weren’t big readers picked up lifetime habits!

    Started or donated to many charities. Including the Multiple Sclerosis Society Scotland, The Maggie’s Centres for Cancer Care, Doctors Without Borders, and more. She founded the Children’s High Level Group, known as Lumos, which works to “end the systematic institutionalization of children across Europe and help them find safer, more caring places to live.” She has also contributed to various other charitable causes through her philanthropic trust, Volant.

    Helped save female Afghani lawyers from the taliban.

    Funded the Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology clinic in Edinburgh.

    And rather more contentiously, has stuck to her guns about the areas where she believes sex should take precedence over gender identity in the face of abuse, rape and death threats.

    And now employment tribunals are ruling again and again that gender critical views are perfectly reasonable to hold and in fact are legally protected.

  • First, immigration is currently calibrated FAR in excess of any demographic gaps. The population is growing rapidly. If the premise were to plug demographic holes, we wouldn’t need nearly this many people.

    Second, if the premise were to alleviate demographic issues at the young end of the pyramid, then immigration policies would block any applications for those over 30, or at least heavily bias the young. They don’t.

    There is exactly one reason immigration has been calibrated so high, and with such little care for the skills and qualities of the applicants: to suppress wages and working conditions. It’s the same playbook all over the West.

  • I don’t know what you mean by “class solidarity,” but it was born in the fires of the 2008/2009 bank bailouts in which millions of ordinary people were wiped out financially while the financial institutions were given trillions of dollars. There was a lot of anger at the perception of crony capitalism and elites. The movement itself was grassroots and clearly feared by the powerful. You might not like the goals of the movement, but their anger was palpable, and at one point, something like 10% of the country identified with the movement. There was no way the rich and powerful could let ordinary citizens form such a powerful voting bloc.

  • No, you’re right. Between 2009 and 2011, both the left and the right had their popular class movements with Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party. The risk of both sides coming together to attack the rich was too dangerous. Shortly after that we had Obama and other business and political leaders talking about “systemic racial discrimination.” Boy has that divided us. An incredibly effective tool to convince us idiots that race has ANYTHING to do with our differences. Poor people have far more in common with each other than they do with the rich. The trans issue has been injected to stoke the fires more, and everyone has been quick to jump on board.

    You know what? If we’re too stupid to see through this obvious charade, maybe this is what we deserve.

  • Just because you don’t feel one strategy has been effective doesn’t mean the opposite will be. That’s five year old logic. I would also argue that peaceful protest has been incredibly successful. In one generation we’ve gone from “climate change doesn’t exist” to an EV being close to the most popular vehicle sold in the world. You might feel it’s not fast enough, but you certainly can’t argue it’s ineffective. I can tell you what’s not working: pissing on supporters and potential supporters. As per the data, it’s making people care less.

    I ask again: if you don’t believe convincing people to vote for your cause is the best way forward in a democracy, what is?

  • I used to be quite sympathetic but after seeing them blocking ambulances and trying to fuck up the day of people who otherwise agree, I hate them and hope they’re all arrested. And I’m not alone. Support for the climate movement has halved in two years in Germany because of these absolute morons.

    While 68 percent of those surveyed in 2021 said they fundamentally supported the climate movement, the figure in the current publication has halved to 34 percent. What is striking is that support has declined significantly in all social groups, even in more progressive milieus that were otherwise more open to the movement.

    When asked specifically about the “Last Generation” road blockades, 85 percent of those surveyed said they had no understanding of this form of protest.