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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • that can’t be employed at scale as readily

    Well there’s your problem right there:

    You’re concerned we can’t scale up arbitrary killings? Would you prefer something on a larger, more industrial scale, perhaps with large, gas-fueled ovens?

    Killing should be hard, and it should be personal, not vaguely waving a hand in a general direction. You should know their name and hopefully have filled out a few forms beforehand.

    If you want to kill somebody, when you aren’t at war with their entire country, then BE SPECIFIC.

    Drone strikes that take out a known Al-Queda leader: ✅

    Drone strike that takes out a random Afghan wedding: ❌

  • Unix has had a long running convention of separation between “operating system” and other files, so you can blow away something like /opt or /home without making your system unbeatable.

    If you stick stuff under /usr/bin then you have to track the files especially if there are any conflicts.

    Best to just add another path, I use ~/bin because it’s easy to get to and it’s a symlink from the git repo that holds my portable environment, just clone it and run a script and I’m home.