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Joined 26 days ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2024


  • and for that reason alone tourists have gone missing.

    the cartel cares about its bottom line, funneling wealth away from American pockets to grow the cartel in order to…you guessed it, funnel more money out of American pockets.

    why? three reasons. money for power, power for control.

    the cartels wouldn’t even be a thing if it weren’t for Regan. I hope that fucking bigot rots eternal horrors for the truly depraved bullshit he unleashed on the world.

  • your argument is just like the racist douchebags that argue “all lives matter” when “black lives matter”.

    the case in this point is about a man raping a woman so, of course, the protests are about male sexual aggression.

    yes, people in general are trash and can be horrible to other people.

    yes, I’m calling you out for driving a what-about-wedge into the thread.

    yes, I would do the same thing to someone who would drive the same wedge if this case was about a woman raping a man.

    just because you can say it, doesn’t mean you should say it. there’s a time and place and all you do by whining about it here is desensitize people against female sexual aggression.

    want to make a difference? talk about the 1 out of 6 woman that are victims of rape. or how about the fact that 54% of the victims are between the ages of 18-34. let’s not forget that a rape occurs every 68 seconds(4 victims were raped in the time it took me to write this whole comment).

  • I worked with someone who worked in intelligence for 30-ish years. from discussions they and I had you’re absolutely spot on. in-fact they warned me that once things in Israel begin to heat up prepare for a war to accelerate with Russia.

    this new development isn’t surprising and I’m sure there are already gears in motion to reduce impacts on the election.

    it’s funny because it’s clearly the Iranian government’s goal to influence the American election because it’s all they’ve been doing for the past six months.

    this can only mean one thing, the axis of power that is attempting to drag the west into a war does not want Harris in office. this only makes me vote for her even more.

  • IMO this is the best OS way, but without nix it’s a pita to maintain through restores/rebuilds. personally I never fully comprehended how to properly configure iptables/routes (I did try though, so nobody can blame me lol).

    however, a major benefit to using a contained VPN or gluetun is that you can be selective on what apps use the VPN.

    I host 12 other containers (with nas mounts) on the same host outside of the three that need to use a VPN, so this is why the solution I described works for me. and should I ever need to use routes for more advanced network filtering I still have it available without adding the complexity of splitting normal traffic vs VPN traffic.

  • I’ll ask this question because it might be something you didn’t think of.

    What happens to your network connection if the VPN fails? will it continue to connect without a VPN?

    I had a similar case of that happening, and ended up causing me to get some shame mail from my ISP.

    now I run my VPN inside docker, and any containers that need access to it are configured as network slaves to it. VPN goes down? container reboots, all the others reboot after connection is restored, but will have no connection while it’s down.

    it’s all in a well designed system of healthchecks and container configuration.