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Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Look random people on the street might find it a fun interlude to their day :) I know you weren’t completely though due to the personal example you referred to a couple comments back.

    However, you didn’t specify a method, said brother-in-law enters into the political discussions. From an outsider’s perspective, (me), there was no indication.


    will also

    I used these words in my first reply, not to deny your experience, but to add to it. The general nature of the word,


    in that part of your comment followed by an absolute statement spurred my entry. I think it’s important to highlight varied reasons people have for doing the same things.

    You spoke in one part of the comment generally, the other part specifically. My reply attempted to accept your specific experience, while engaging in the general discussion indicated about ‘general people’ happening alongside it.

  • I don’t see how what you’re saying is related to the above two comments. But I largely agree with what you’ve said.

    Although, i’ve no reason to wish you such a lengthy, or any jail term, and i believe jail, even 50 years, is too soft a punishment for Putin for all he’s done.

    Calling someone normal isn’t an insult to the rest of us, its an insult to the person in ‘power’. They have found themselves in a position to make a real difference in this world and acted on their worst, and boringly common, self interested instincts.

    You’re right in what you say about the UN, and unfortunately after the military debacles of it’s early years, and the unwillingness to participate in its actions by countries in the pursuit of their own self interests, Russia a notable example, it may go the way of the League.

    An exceptionally bad loss of what could be an extremely effective institution in this Century, if countries like my own were to redouble their efforts to support it and recognise it’s importance.

  • While i find your derogatory comments about concussed goldfish disappointingly predictable, the point is by saying ‘both sides are the same’ or ‘both are as bad as the other’ isn’t really a political opinion.

    Its a statement that withdraws from engaging in the differences in party positions on specific subject or policy positions by broad brushing them as the same.

    For instance, a flounder might say to a butterfly fish, that, goldfish (concussed or not), are all the same, just to stop talking to the butterfly fish and get out of its reef! :)

  • Closed loops are a pretty steep expectation. I’m pretty sure (with no evidence to back me up) with the amount of importers, suppliers, manufacturers, retailers in the supply chain for a product on a shelf, it would be a costly proposition to attempt closed loop.

    More costly than using a system of levys to promote behavioural change. Which is the idea behind the system i’s suggesting in the previous comment.

    Its about changing the system for the better to generate the fewest negative externalities possible. If a closed loop increases costs more than a system of levys, then everyone will be squeezed more than necessary to get the same result, making negative externalities, like black markets, fraud, more likely than they need be.

    Cigarettes in Australia are a great example of this in action. There is a black market for Cigarettes here because they are so expensive from the retailers, but the barriers to widespread black market adoption are still perceived as too high for the greater majority of smokers. The result is a small black market, which will almost always exist for any product you can think of, but the government has tightened the screws on smokers in the public market to make it as uncomfortable process as possible for the sale and purchase of Cigarettes. Until the introduction of younger generations vaping, and the lack of younger generations similar experiences with Cigarettes ill effects, the policy position led to a hard disincentive that worked to decrease smoking rates. But, as always, time and creativity need a reaction that we are still trying to get right.

  • A better system is to require all grocery/food/packaging, customer facing retailers to record all sales and from which suppliers those products were bought.

    Then charge the retailer the average cost of ‘recycling’ or ‘to the planet’, or another measure of cost.

    This will increase costs on all products, but by design more on the costs of hard to recycle goods and packaging.

    Charge retailers that daily, watch end to end, from supplier/producer to consumer, behaviour change and iterate accordingly.

    Start off with an industry sector though, like grocery stores, most are bricks and mortar, and have high brand acknowledgement so can’t easily escape regulation. The key is to charge the location of sale, not the companies ‘HQ’.