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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I wish I could have the AUR without the rolling release, or more realistically I use arch without utilitizing the rolling release. I’m on such shitty + spotty + capped at 100gb I only update my system once a month. Haven’t had problems though, so I guess im not complaining. Updating my windows VMs is significantly worse

  • I use Nvidia and I haven’t really had any problems myself.

    Arch based system running a Nvidia Quadro card, then I have a 3080ti disabled on boot from Linux that’s passed through to VM’s.

    Even passing it through to an arch based VM doesn’t give me any issues.

    But that’s just my personal experience as well

  • Like I said, gay kinksters can have a shaved head fetish.

    If they call themselves skinheads, they Nazi sympathizers. You are behaving as a Nazi sympathizer.

    This isn’t the 1980s this isn’t the 1960s. Skinheads today are Nazis. They have been for 20 years.

    You can argue all you want “a swastika is a Buddhist symbol for luck” but once you get one tattooed on you fuck off.

    You’re posting misinformation. Either intentionally or you aren’t informed.

  • "skinhead, youth subculture characterized by aggressively masculine hair and dress styles, including shaved heads and heavy boots. In many countries skinheads are commonly viewed as extreme right-wing nationalists or neofascists who espouse anti-Semitic and other racist views

    The racist skinhead movement in the United States has entered its fourth decade. Since the first skinhead gangs surfaced in Texas and the Midwest in the early 1980s, this racist and violent subculture has established itself in dozens of states from coast to coast and has authored some of the country’s most vicious hate crimes in memory, from arson to assault to murder."


    Fetish for shaved heads? Sure whatever

    Calling yourself a skinhead? Fuck off.

  • If someone calls themself a skinhead in person im not gonna wait for the asterisk before i tell them to fuck off and cut contact.

    Nazi punks fuck off.

    " skinhead, youth subculture characterized by aggressively masculine hair and dress styles, including shaved heads and heavy boots. In many countries skinheads are commonly viewed as extreme right-wing nationalists or neofascists who espouse anti-Semitic and other racist views

    The racist skinhead movement in the United States has entered its fourth decade. Since the first skinhead gangs surfaced in Texas and the Midwest in the early 1980s, this racist and violent subculture has established itself in dozens of states from coast to coast and has authored some of the country’s most vicious hate crimes in memory, from arson to assault to murder."

  • You’re not intending to say people buy meat to be cruel. You absolutely definitely said it.

    Look fried, I have no skin in this fight. I was trying to help you but if I’m just wasting my breath I’ll move on.

    People aren’t dismissing you because you’re talking about veganism. They’re dismissing you because you’re an ineffective communicator. I’m not discussing that with you I’m trying to help you sway more people to your cause. Its not my cause so I don’t personally give a fuck.

    If you feel getting nutrition through plant based meals is easy, good. Focus on that. Most people don’t, that’s an easier point to sway people than convincing them the way they and their parent and their grandparents and their parents grandparents were cruel heartless humans torturing animals for fun. The video you started this conversation in is about a Nazi torturing an animal for fun. You equated that to everyone eating meat. Now I’m against you. You aren’t going to convince me to join your cause that way.

    I'm not trying to pick fights, I'm just informing people, you picking a fight with me isn't my fault.

    In a way that makes you in the in group and people outside of it against you.

    Dude you know damn well that even if I go "uwu, please consider not eating meat once a week :3" 

    Because that’s also ineffective communication. Convince people why they’d want to be vegan, not why you want them to be vegan.

    If you feel its cheaper to eat a plant based diet, good. Focus on that. Most people don’t. I definitely don’t. How much is a gallon of plant based milk? How much is cow milk? I’m not genuinely asking you cow milk is significantly cheaper. at least in my area you might be in fucking Albania or something im not familiar with. I doubt it. Its a significantly harder life to be vegan and poor.

    Either way I feel my effort is falling on deaf ears so l8r sk8er I got better shit to do.

  • If your lack of tact prevents people from listening to you then fucking YES ABSOLUTELY

    Look, most people aren’t buying meat to fantasize about the murder of animals like youre implying. The fact you’re saying that, weither you intended to or not, is putting the people you’re trying to convince on the other side of an us vs them. That’s not productive and youre just fucking annoying.

    Most people buy meat because it’s cheap. Its cheaper than plants because the meat industry is subsidized by the government. Its subsidized by the government because it’s the easiest way to get reasonably balanced nutrition to the most amount of people.

    If you really want less people eating meat, target those aspects.Not the end user trying to feed their family.

    If you want real change, and aren’t just trying to pick fights on the internet, wouldn’t you rather be affective instead of just fucking annoying everyone, where it’s always the wrong time, where youre downvoted everywhere outside of your life minded communities?

    Seriously it’s a different fight but read up on Daryl Davis. He’s a black guy who gets people to leave the KKK. Do you think him picking fights with them would help? Trying to argue how stupid and hateful it is for them to hate black people? Pinning them in an us vs them?

    He gets them to leave by befriending them. Showing them theres another way WITHOUT FORCING THEIR HAND OR CONVINCING THEM THEYRE SHITE FOR THE WAY THEY WERE RAISED. that’s literally the least productive thing you can be doing.

  • Right, just don’t keep being surprised ‘its always the wrong time to bring it up’

    And ‘im always down voted outside of our communities’

    If you refuse to learn when it’s appropriate to talk about it, you’re going to be ostracized.

    I can care deeply about how many kids are sexually abused by priests, but if I bring it every time I see someone I know, Im a creepy fucking individual. If someone’s talking about sexual abuse, it might be the time to mention it, it might not. If someone’s talking about how THEY were sexually abused, and I rant about how many kids are abused by priests, I’m an insensitive fucking individual.

    You’re bringing up an extremely common and accepted practice of farmed meat, that THE MAJORITY of people take part of. If you conflate that with a specific news story of a literal Nazi torturing an animal for the sexual thrill or whatever, you’re crossing so many fucking layers of acceptability, you just sound like an extremist. Which diminishes your point, the point of the article, and the perception of the communities you represent.

    Have some fucking tact. And a little self awareness.