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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023


  • Nixos is an os that’s defined by its config stored in .nix files. Everything is defined here all the software and configurations. Two people with the same script will have the exact same os.

    Any changes you make that aren’t in the scripts won’t be present when you reboot.

    You could maintain a very custom linux distribution (kinda) by just maintaining these config scripts.

    So a user wouldn’t need to install all required software and dependencies. They could get a nixos and the self-host config and adjust some settings and have a working system straight after install.

  • The risk reward of doing that isn’t great. Ukraine is unlikely to end the war sooner using the current western weapons against long range targets in Russia. They will need a recurring supply. If they blatantly ignore the terms of the weapons they have already received then they won’t get anymore.

    Best case scenario, Ukraine gets the go ahead and we hear about it after they start using them. But Ukraine won’t use them without permission, it’s too risky. If (hopefully when) they get permission it will be alongside a large delivery of these weapons.

  • They never were the responsible party. It’s a myth. Your better informed now, than in the past. It’s the only thing that’s changed.

    The conservatives control the narrative of politics and the media. Even when not in power. When Cameron came to power the media kept pushing the message that he has reformed the tories, they are no longer the nasty corrupt party. Rise and repeat the same thing will happen again. This is how the tories spend most of the time in power since working class people got the vote, despite labour being better reprentation of them and their issues. Even when not in power

    Labour are still heavily influenced by the tories. Margret Thatcher said Tony Blair was her greatest achievement.

    It’s insane people fall for this again and again. People that think government doesn’t work and is ineffective shouldn’t be chosen to lead governments. They won’t do a good job. Either they don’t believe it’s possible, they want bad governance or their ideological beliefs will prevent them from doing a good job. Instead this paradox has been labelled as ‘responsible’.

  • The tories also get votes because they are so horrible, they know this and play to it. It does help them, put people don’t want to admit this to pollsters so they don’t poll as well. Especially when they are completely undefendable like they are now. Nothing drives people like hate and anger, which the press and tories stir up at every chance. They’ll complain about immigration and how bad immigrants are, despite them being responsible for the highest levels of immigration ever (tories like immigration it keeps wages down and makes unions weaker).

    The tories will get more votes than you would expect, not enough to win. The tories have always been this nasty and incompetent. They still won elections.