Reddit is trash

  • 56 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 5th, 2023


  • Again, someone who doesn’t understand US foreign policy. We give Israel billions of dollars in aid, which they use to buy our weapons. This serves two goals:

    1. A wealth transfer of taxpayer money goes to defense companies that it uses to pay workers and bribe lobby politicians.

    2. Israel remains the only truly friendly nation in the Middle East. Their continued existence blunts Iran and other Muslim nations from turning their attention fully to the West.

    In your entire rebuttal, I see no mention of Congress. Congress controls the purse and has voted against any effort to reduce or deny aid to Israel. Why aren’t you mad at them? Because it doesn’t fit your politics.

  • Wow. How out of touch with reality are you? Israel is fully supported by the entire US government, including many Democrats and almost all Republicans. Biden couldn’t (realistically) cut off support even if he wanted to. Israel is far too important to US interests in the region.

    Israel is completely responsible for their own actions. The US isn’t telling them to commit genocide. The International community isn’t doing anything to stop them. All the finger wagging and hopes & prayers are just virtue signaling. The sad fact is no one in power really cares about the Palestinians.

    Putting all the blame on Biden/Harris is some Russian shill-level propaganda. That, or you know nothing about international politics.