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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • They’ll support Israel because the way we do it is another of the many infinite money hacks our MIC has created and entrenched deep into our politics. I really dislike this American trend to racialize the conflict. In virtually every way, Palestinians and Israelis, and Jews in general for that matter, are pretty indistinguishable but for small differences in otherwise very similar ethnic and religious cultures. Jewish culture, even across the diaspora, has been pretty clearly a Levantine originating one forever (not to mention the far deeper similarities between Judaism as a religion and Islam than between either and Christianity).

  • No, you’re obviously a liar.

    Anyway, you being a silly dickhead aside, I corrected my post because it turns out that you were at least correct about the context of the elections. It’s a good thing I’m more interested in getting clear and contextually correct information out there or you being such a shit head might’ve caused me to dig my heels in deeper, which literally would be counter to your purported intent (though I suspect you just want to be right and yell at people, and don’t give a shit at all about much beyond that). Have a shit day. :)

  • I feel like this paints Hamas in a much more forgiving light that it deserves. Hamas “won” the election after a violent campaign of intimidation and even then only by a plurality. While Fatah has many flaws, it’s not a religio-fascist organization prone to arbitrary violent cruelty. Yes, Fatah criticizing Hamas is nothing new, but more because they’re fundamentally opposed groups than Western preferences.

    EDIT: It’s been pointed out to me that I was wrong about the context of Hamas’ election and sources seem to back this up. While Hamas IS a violent religio-fascist organization, its violence against its electorate and opposition parties did not escalate until a few years after they were elected to a clear majority.

  • Why? What in the world does your arbitrary cherry picked items have to do with the topic at hand? Are you trying to say that that is the entirety of talmudic discourse and that concepts of charity, stewardship, kindness, and growth are nowhere explored in the Talmud? I’m not saying there aren’t many troubling aspects to Jewish liturgical Tesoro tradition. What I am saying is that they’re about in par with any religion and shit like the OP posted is pretty fucking ignorant and dumb.

  • This slightly misses the mark. The majority of crimes, including violent ones, are not committed by people performing a risk calculus. They’re done with minimal thought and more often than not in the heat of the moment. Effectively, they are not crimes that you can deter because for a crime to be deterred, the potential criminal has to assess whether it makes sense to commit the crime. This works in cases of like financial fraud and white collar crime. Someone shooting another person during an altercation, not so much.

  • Friendly reminder that this is person is an idiot and this is a deeply incorrect explanation of the Jewish religious understanding of jews’ relationship to God. In talmudic tradition, it is more or less correct to say that jews are understood to be in a contractual relationship with God.

    I suspect this person has a bad relationship with their ex, and has decided to weave a cloak of straws to justify their shitty relationship and the community and familial support their ex receives to their personal disadvantage. It’s a weirdly common vector of effectively unintentional antisemitism. That, or they might just be dumb.

  • If your fundamental goals are dead people and just publicity, sure, then I guess this was a roaring success. Typically success for matters is defined by advancing, say, the freedom and dignity of the Palestinians suffering under oppression, though. And by that very reasonable metric, no, this whole thing has been a catastrophic failure on the part of Hamas, the group that (violently) usurped governance of Gaza years ago. There is unlikely, and this was predictable from the get-go, to be any substantive advancement of the benefit of the Palestinian people, or Gazans in particular. A random lemmy poster put it on a perfectly succinct and correct manner when reports of 10/7 first came out–Hamas shot every single Palestinian in both Gaza and the West Bank square in the dick this time.

  • I really don’t see how this could possibly be “the most success they’ve ever had against Israel.” Public support is still very much mixed, Israeli support has been all but fucking obliterated as the country shifts hard right in response, Gaza has been predictably utterly devastated, and the settler fuckwits are being given a blind eye by both the Israeli government and people now to thoroughly escalate their intrusions and crimes. The only “success” to come out of this entire situation is that Hamas I guess, as well as Likudnik ahitheads and worse, are reapectively experiencing massive rally round the flag gains.