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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Holy shit you’re bad at this. “Let me make a broad and extraordinary claim and it’s on you to prove it.”

    Here’s why your rebuttal sucks and you’re bad at thinking:

    1. You have never heard of “burden of proof”.
    2. Biden wasn’t president when COVID was killing a million Americans, so your point is not just vague, it’s stupid.
    3. You ignored all my other points completely.
    4. Your only defense was completely unsourced whataboutism.
    5. You think claiming “it’s not controversial” is like a cheat code for arguments.
    6. Your fundamental “hellscape” argument relies on a definition of badness that is so impossibly narrow and dismissive that you’re basically claiming that Trump would only be a bad president if people were literally suffering and dying in the streets in such numbers that everyone had no excuse not to realize it, which utterly invalidates everything any human could do in a presidential term unless they literally went full Hitler.

    Looking forward to your trenchant and scholarly “no u” rebuttal.

  • I have an AnkerMake M5 and after having to fight with a Monoprice Select for years, the M5 is a revelation. It’s not cheap but it goes on sale pretty regularly, and it’s been stunningly reliable and consistent. I used to have to babysit the first few minutes of every print on the Monoprice but now I just fire off a print and come back later. It has automatic bed leveling, magnetic PEI bed plates, great repairability, and a decent app.

    The “AI camera” aspect is so far a dud with too many false positives, but being able to stream the camera from the app and view a Timelapse to see how a print failed are nice features for a printer of this price.