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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • Congress has the power to declare war. The president being commander-in-chief does not mean he can do whatever he please with the U.S army as its own personal force. The president is meant to follow the constitution, even as commander. If the president ignores treaties and war declarations, I would argue the president is the one violating the separation of powers, and not congress by hypothetically enforcing the powers given to them by the constitution. By this logic, whoever controller the army should have absolute power, being commander-in-chief and all. I like how you slipped past my initial post by completely ignoring that the constitution grants congress influence over foreign policies by citing the president control over the armed forces as this unalienable right. Why have treaties then? Why have declaration of war? I think you might be slightly biased in your argument. The president was never the sole responsible for foreign policies, even though the executive branch had a lot of influence over those in recent times.

  • I’ve seen this play out a couple time. I agree about a lot of what you said and this is indeed true that you can have very senior and very knowledgeable devs basically “hack” or “bulldoze” their way into a backlog, I would personally argue that this is not a decent or desirable behavior.

    There is no such thing as “small finition”. Making sure that a change or a feature works all the way through is not finition, it is core to the task, and you can’t expect someone else to digest and do the latter half of the work without being in your head.

    I guess I am too lazy to type out all the examples with the downfall, but basically if you allow this, you will be shielding a senior from his own butched work, and lets be honest, most people who do this skip the “boring” work for their own selfish reasons. If they want to split the task and have you fix the tests, have them spell it out and justify it.

    Management might not understand what is going on, all they might see is a superstar flying through the backlog, while everyone else struggle because they’re constantly fixing this guy’s shit. This rarely lead to good engineering, or team dynamic, or team management, and of course you end up with this one guy claiming credit for so much shit, while other team members stagnate. Unfortunately appearance is a thing in dev work, as much as I wish it wasn’t.