He could also die of a heart attack before that. He really should have by now though with how he eats.
He could also die of a heart attack before that. He really should have by now though with how he eats.
Children don’t have the ability to leave.
They can. It’s called Work From Home.
they’re forgetting that Nazis were and are very Christian.
They’re forgetting about “Group 13” as well.
Science is the same way, but you can teach in a way that alludes to more complex subjects without denying those subjects. I actually called out my HS physics teacher when he kept having to correct grade school science lessons. He couldn’t disagree with me that it’s probably better not to teach incorrect lessons just because the correct lessons were more complex.
They should have always been teaching to use Wikipedia as a beginning of research. Go to wiki, follow the cited sources and follow those cited searches if anything was referenced.
There was always a double standard though compared to something like the Encyclopedia Britannica. Pre-internet, for practicality, you couldn’t really check the cited sources on Britannica, so you took it as word of god. They’re a major publication! Huge money and people who wear suits and monocles wrote it! Posh British sounding name! How could they be wrong?
Except that when researchers compared Britannica to Wikipedia for inaccuracies, they found Britannica to contain a much higher rate. So why did Britannica keep being held in higher regard? Pure appeal to authority.
By the same civics teacher: All unions but teacher unions are obsolete. Welfare queens are having more kids just to collect more. Realestate only goes up. He also said that the Waltons(of Walmart) were second to fifth riches people in the world. I did fact check him with a Forbes printout on that one. I think there’s more neo-con bs that I’m forgetting at the moment.
Computer teacher: Your muscles contain memory cells and that’s now typists can type so fast. This was a very creative interpretation of “Muscle Memory”.
Media teacher: AM radio travels in beams and can go farther then FM radio that travels in waves.
School therapist: If you get into that harder class, you may fail and feel sad. Guess what? Now having succeed at someone else’s expectation, I feel sad all the time. That may have been the moment were I could have fixed the direction my life was taking if I pushed back. Chances are they would have come up with other reasons to deny me though.
People are people and people are stupid.
“Donald started his career, back in 1973, being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination — because he would not rent apartments in one of his developments to African-Americans, and he made sure that the people who worked for him understood that was the policy,” Clinton said on Monday night.
Grindy shit. Call me when he wins a Quake 3 tournament.
I think Trump has a long history of racism and it will either bake it into law that Europeans get preferred treatment or it will be selectively enforced.
Btw, why are you using two questions marks? Do you think doing it makes you look more expressive?
Just for brown people.
Even if you could prove that those people aren’t here legally, Trump is changing the laws. He wants to end Birth Right citizenship.
Jews weren’t “legal citizens” in Nazi Germany. What is and isn’t “legal” is entirely made up.
Sir, reddit is over here.
The two people you are replying to probably aren’t Americans. One posts in a Philippines com and the other from a .uk domain.
Irrelevant to my point. If you’re a minor in Israel, you don’t have many options to move out until you’re an adult.