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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023

  • I don’t think there’s a big problem by using upvotes, downvotes and comments as systems that can show the popularity or controversy of a post.

    Imo the bigger problem is in the comments using the same voting system. For starters, everyone the system in a different way. Most notably example is downvoting to disagree.

    Secondly, because we are evolutionary wired to try and fit in, you either consciously or subconsciously try to create a comment that will give you the best chances at seeing the numbers go up and receive validation from your peers.

    Personally I think the system is fine to keep running under the hood to keep the sorting algorithms available and maybe for moderation purposes, but it would be great if we wouldn’t be able to see them at all as to not be influenced by the connections we make between votes and post content.

  • It’s definitely a dosage thing, but cats don’t really have any brakes when it comes to chewing on shit. So they will chew anything that looks like grass, which can be dangerous when you have toxic succulents that have large leaves.

    I second the drainage comment, hopefully it does have holes at the bottom. Otherwise instead of succulents I would recommend OP to put in “air plants” (Tillandsia) as they don’t need soil and draw moisture from the air.

  • Nice video. Its funny how he ends it with saying not clicking on the ads. Apps with in-game ads can actually click through for you, so you end up on the store page without any user input. That feels illegal.

    I have been entertaining the idea of making a video about these ads as well, in the form of what’s being advertised and what’s actually in the game. Also the claims they make in the ads should be scrutinized. I want to raise awareness for these types of ads because reporting them to Google won’t do anything and is notoriously hard (a dark pattern in itself, very convenient to Google).

    Would there be any interest in videos like this? I have a bunch of ads recorded that are questionable as fuck and it might be a very depressing journey.