Hey wait, wasn’t this exactly what they said Soros was doing
Hey wait, wasn’t this exactly what they said Soros was doing
Built in tuning for filaments and printers was what sold me
It’s because:
start of thing == dopamine
finish of thing != dopamine
We yearn for the brain juice and hop from hit to hit
Neurotypical people do not have this issue, I’m told
What I’d like to become the standard is:
If the question makes it super obvious the asker has zero clue what they’re asking or trying to do, lightly correct and steer them to beginner friendly resources.
If the question is competent but focusing the wrong direction or will lead to a bad habit, essentially, they know just enough to be dangerous but they’re about to be dangerous, more pointed and technical correction and steering them to either articles or better search terms to use.
If it’s a pointed question with the information to show they’ve done the normal information gathering and either need opinions that are beyond the theory or book standard information or they don’t answer the question, answer the question. Ideally also giving sources to back up your answers.
Bonus points if you can do the above without coming across as a dick. Unless they ask to ask. You can be a dick to those people.
It’s a vicious cycle because people who are generally good singers will assume they’re terrible since they’re not as pitch perfect. Then, they’ll either never sing or modify their sound to perfection to compete
You can’t fix terrible singing and it still sound human. Good but a few pennies off tune when layering? You bet it’ll work.
A lot of social media videos are tuned to flat 0 for each note and is the vocal equivalent of magazine covers photoshopped to “perfection”
This was my hope once the results came in. That they’d be too busy fighting each other for power to actually cause too much lasting damage