I was really readying a polite, “No you should definitely render aid first and ask questions later” lecture until your comment made me read that again…slowly.
That setup was subtle and very well done. Bravo @[email protected]
I was really readying a polite, “No you should definitely render aid first and ask questions later” lecture until your comment made me read that again…slowly.
That setup was subtle and very well done. Bravo @[email protected]
And then the movie patient pops up and smiles and everything is perfectly restored back to normal instead of, “Oh, we convinced your heart to start beating again, but you’re still unconscious probably because you have brain damage, your kidneys are dying, your blood is acidic, and now we’re gonna put you on a breathing machine. Best wishes!”
There are a few things I wish we could really show the public. The first is how brutally savage and undignified CPR really is. And the second is what alcohol abuse really does to a person.
Chronic malnutrition, brain damage, hallucinations, anxiety, internal bleeding, fluid swelling your abdomen like a water balloon, literal ammonia building up in your blood that we treat by deliberately inducing massive diarrhea. That’s not even mentioning esophageal varices and the increased cancer risk.
Alcohol is a horrifying drug.
Critical care nurse here. The answer is esophageal varices.
It’s the same physiological anomaly as hemorrhoids, except in your esophagus. Swollen, fragile veins caused by increased internal pressure. In the case of hemorrhoids, that pressure inside the veins is caused by straining too much when trying to poo. In esophageal varices, the increased pressure inside the esophageal veins comes from blood backing up from a swollen, scarred, and damaged liver. So we often see esophageal varices in end stage alcohol use disorder.
Horror stories abound in emergency departments and ICUs of having to do CPR on a patient massively hemorrhaging out of their mouth from esophageal varices. As soon as nurses I know saw this report, our immediate thought was, “Yep, varices.”
Not autistic, but as a person with a chronic medical condition, damn this hits hard.
Because I think quality of presentation is not being factored into the assessments you’re seeing on that wiki.
I tend to recommend Healthline to the public because it clearly targets a lay audience, and chooses to meet that audience where they live. It’s written the way I talk to my patients, and the information is accurate and accessibly easier to read.
Just look at the difference between the pages on hypertension from Healthline and MedlinePlus:
The details and accuracy of the information is not different. But the way Healthline presents it is so much more accessible.
The best thing to happen from WebMD is we got a bunch of actual medical providers like Mayo Clinic, University of Maryland, Merck Manual that went, “GAH! No!!” and made actually informative, updated medical websites.
Healthline, kids. Healthline is where we go for our medical information.
This is exactly why the billionaires are dismantling the current social media platforms. Organizing is the only threat they truly fear.
This is literally an article about police arresting the person who committed this crime. Who’s not doing shit and what advocacy is OP providing beyond self-flagellation because terrible criminals exist?
The state of Uttar Pradesh has 240 MILLION people. That’s one state that’s 2/3 the size of the entire United States.
Posting articles like this and proclaiming conclusions about it is like posting that someone somewhere in the US did this and therefore the entire United States is complicit.
Are you in the habit of seeking out and sharing nothing but news stories about the rapists and criminals in your community? Yes, that behavior is a little pathological.
OP spam posts every negative story they find about India. They are not a healthy person.
We’ve gotten so much better at airplane evacuations over the years. The HEAVILY REGULATED airline industry is a masterclass in actually learning from tragedy.
Edit: Christ Almighty, I’ll split the hair, you guys.
There are many many other classes of medications for depression. SNRIs, tricyclics, mood stabilizers, bupropion is a completely different mechanism of action, even drugs that were originally developed to be antipsychotics are used off label.
I agree with others who have suggested that you should see an actual psychiatrist. Other prescribers just don’t have the same training and experience as a psychiatrist with a medical doctor license. There are lots of medications available.
I’m disabled. I work full time. I could not fulfill these exercise requirements, but I can hold down a job. That is not a rare category of human being.
We should have universal healthcare, not this nonsense from a private employer.
This is the one they were waiting for. There are several live cams trained on the area, and one of them caught the exact moment it erupted:
This kind of passive bigotry is necessary for genocides to occur. It is the foundation on which the mechanisms of genocide are built.
It’s not just no good; it’s terrifying.
Thank you for acknowledging that I am correct.
Ah yes, that notorious occupation where Denmark systematically raped and murdered all those Norwegians, installed a corporate kleptocracy to ransack their natural resources for the profit of people half a globe away, and then spent the next 400 years funding coups and dictators to maintain that corporate control.
I don’t understand the level of ignorance required to even begin to pretend like these were equivalent situations.
Why is it always in CT??? That’s an incredible save, if the first round of compressions weren’t really effective. I can’t even imagine doing compressions for 11 minutes at all, let alone in isolation gear. I think I’d join the patient, if I tried that.