Artist, musician, and professional dumbass

Have a turtle for your troubles my good fellow 🐢

(Former ToR, I do transcriptions on here whenever I can!)

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Image Transcription: Line Graph

    [A line graph is shown depicting the number of users on Lemmy over one month’s time. The horizontal axis lists the date of each reading, with an interval shown for every day. The earliest date begins at ‘2023-05-28’ and the most recent date is given as ‘2023-06-26’. The vertical axis measures the number of users, with intervals marked at every 5,000 users, with an upper limit of 50,000 users. There is a green trend like and a blue trend line graphed from plot points at every horizontal interval. The green line is labelled ‘Active users monthly’ shows increase over time. The line remains flat at approximately 1,000 users from the ‘05-28’ date mark to the ‘05-31’ mark, then begins to gradually increase to approximately 10,000 users, starting to show a trend similar to the beginning of an exponential growth curve. At the ‘06-11’ date mark, the line begins increasing at a relatively steady rate, with the last marked date showing just over 45,000 users. There are two points in which the line shows an apparent indication of levelling off in user count, before then showing a sudden increase in users again, with neither of these points significantly impacting the overall upward trend. These points are at the dates ‘06-16’ and ‘06-21’. The second graphed line, the blue line, is labelled ‘Active Users Half year’ and starts at approximately 3,000 users, but follows an almost identical trend shape as the green line as it increases approximately parallel to it. The blue line ends at around 48,000 users at the final graphed point.]

    ^I’m a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

  • Image Transcription: Line Graph

    [A line graph is shown depicting the number of users on Lemmy over one month’s time. The horizontal axis lists the date of each reading, with an interval shown for every day. The earliest date begins at ‘2023-05-28’ and the most recent date is given as ‘2023-06-26’. The vertical axis measures the number of users, with intervals marked at every 5,000 users, with an upper limit of 50,000 users. There is a green trend like and a blue trend line graphed from plot points at every horizontal interval. The green line is labelled ‘Active users monthly’ shows increase over time. The line remains flat at approximately 1,000 users from the ‘05-28’ date mark to the ‘05-31’ mark, then begins to gradually increase to approximately 10,000 users, starting to show a trend similar to the beginning of an exponential growth curve. At the ‘06-11’ date mark, the line begins increasing at a relatively steady rate, with the last marked date showing just over 45,000 users. There are two points in which the line shows an apparent indication of levelling off in user count, before then showing a sudden increase in users again, with neither of these points significantly impacting the overall upward trend. These points are at the dates ‘06-16’ and ‘06-21’. The second graphed line, the blue line, is labelled ‘Active Users Half year’ and starts at approximately 3,000 users, but follows an almost identical trend shape as the green line as it increases approximately parallel to it. The blue line ends at around 48,000 users at the final graphed point.]

    ^I’m a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

  • Image transcription:

    [Two screenshots of the ‘fitness’ community are shown. The first has the name ‘’ in the upper left corner of the page, and the second has the name ‘Feddit’ in the upper left corner. Both names are underlined in red. The community name ‘Fitness’ is circled in red on both images, as well as the subscriber count for each community. The image on the left ( lists 1.1k subscribers. The image on the right (Feddit) displays 18 subscribers.]

    ^I’m a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

  • Image Transcription: Text and Image

    [An interconnected diagram with six cloud-shaped bubbles with text and images of the reddit mascot snoo in them are shown. There are lines going between them connecting all of the bubbles to one another in the approximate shape of the fediverse pentagram logo. The top left bubble says “r/aww” and has two images of the reddit mascot. The upper middle bubble has the text “r/gaming” and “r/Music” with one image of the mascot. The top right bubble says “r/funny” with one mascot, the lower left says “r/Pics” and “r/science” with one mascot, the lower right says “r/art” and “r/ask science” with two mascots, and the bottom centre bubble has the words “r/space” and r/videos" with one reddit mascot. The Lemmy logo, a black and white cartoon mouse head, sits in the bottom left corner of the image. Below the web of connected bubbles, there are three small cartoon drawings of people standing next to each other, with the text “Lemmy devs” beside them, and a large purple speech bubble above them that reads as follows]

    We donated Lemmy to the world, we can’t control what people do with it.

    ^I’m a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

  • Image Transcription: Comic

    [There’s no karma?, By Victor Gnarly]

    Panel 1

    [A hooded figure in black robes, and no face visible save for large, pure red eyes is speaking a room made of stone. The hooded figure speaks in white text bubbles to another character outside of the frame, who responds with black text bubbles]

    Hooded figure: So… There’s no karma?

    Black text bubble: Ye-

    Hooded figure: No greedy CEO?

    Black text bubble: Yep.

    Panel 2

    [The out of frame character speaking in black text bubbles is now shown to be a second hooded figure with round red eyes, standing next to hooded figure 1 in the stone room. Hooded figure 1 has a hand outstretched as they speak, while hooded figure 2 is giving them a thumbs up in response. There is a small fire burning on an altar in the background.]

    Hooded figure 1: All ad free?

    Hooded figure 2: Oh yeah.

    Panel 3

    [Hooded figure 1 is shown in close up again, pointing a finger to their left, with their eyes wide in a look of surprise]

    Hooded figure 1: But why is the logo a-

    Panel 4

    [Both hooded figure 1 and hooded figure 2 are shown standing on opposite sides of a large drawing of the fediverse icon on the floor, a rainbow pentagram. There is a pure white, slightly transparent glowing figure with wide eyes standing in the centre of the pentagram, their arms outstretched. There is a small white ball on top of an antenna on top of the glowing figure’s head, with a beam of white light shining from their head to the ceiling. Squiggles of white energy and red streaks of fire fill the room, emanating from the glowing figure. Hooded figure 1 has their arm slightly raised, as if to shield themselves from the energy in the room]

    Hooded figure 1: Pentagram?

    Hooded figure 2: Reasons.

    ^I’m a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^