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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • what i said was theres value to leadership and to management and if you read between the very visible lines I added that part of their role is determining a coherent path to follow. Thats not to say there are not bad leaders (like those who built the pyramids), or bad leaders (like elon musk, who has no coherent vision). Its also no to say there are not bad managers (like Biden, who seems to barely be at the helm day-to-day) or bad managers (like Elon musk, who does not have the organizational capability and is therefore incompetent).

    Pretending that a mass of smart or skilled individuals will spontaneously organize and not be torn apart by internal disagreements is possible, but rare. Look at bands. The beatles really had 7 good years between stardom and shit-hitting-fan. They did really good individual work but they didnt build a pyramid. In contrast, look at linux: whatever technical talent Linux has is outstripped by far by the power of his vision and his standards for how the system must evolve. He, like elon, is famous for being a dick: Linus still gets volunteers.

  • Your post is obviously super self-serving, but I wanted to note:

    there is a premium on leadership qualities rather than technical excellence.

    There is a distinction between leadership and management. Both are, in fact, important. And technical excellence is not useful if its not applied in the right direction.

    only a handful of people

    doesn’t seem like that was really the point. the point was to waste resources on a pointless glorifying memorial – if wheels made it go faster, they would have built more or bigger.

  • peaceful enjoyment of his possessions

    so how do you enjoy your possessions peacefully if they break? is repairing them…not peaceful?

    No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

    So if it breaks, and i can’t repair it, then I lose this property.

    Now, one area where i had not previously gone but makes sense in this particular statement, is that if a company prevents you from repairing your equipment and that company is either unwilling (ie they banned you for trying to repair your john deere yourself) or unable (ie bankrupt) to repair your equipment, is that not depriving you of property? Or do you consider the failure of the property to be an act of god which the vendor is in no way responsible for, even if they deliberately design the system to fail you?