“The core idea is that (at least in North America and Europe), people who are considered “white” have privilege”
What countries in Europe are we talking about?
As a POC from a european country I have never felt discriminated based on the color of my pigment and have had the exact same opportunities as the people who would classify as “white”.
I would classify the discrimination in Europe more based on the fact if you are an immigrant and the specific country of origin.
The above is frowned upon much more.
Even then diversity can also be reached to make sure to target more people from different countries who then bring different cultures to a forum if we talk just about Europe.
It is impossible to talk about Europe as 1 entity, there are so many different countries and cultures within Europe, which is diverse in itself.
It is just (hopefully) some food for thought.
I literally sold the consoles I had and all my games with it because games became shittier each year.
Imagine having to pay 80+ dollars/euros for a game that isnt even the “finished” product.
I’d rather just save my money and spend it on things where I don’t get absolutely railed as a consumer.