I had the option but it drove me nuts
I had the option but it drove me nuts
Indeed it is more mental than physical. It requires concentration
Trump’s agenda in a nutshell
He’s more of a pub sore
He works so hard to prove he earned the nickname Space Nazi
Linux is like kung-fu, mastery comes through practice
Learn the ways of Linux-fu
Is there a word for a “what the fuck” feeling, quickly replaced by “I’m not surprised”?
Pope antisemite? Incoming
Isn’t diamond manufactured in labs in 15 minutes now? I think the price is assuming natural diamonds value
Israel accused of genocide over genocide. I don’t think there’s still room for doubt or debate
The question is basically: “are Palestinians people?”. What a facepalm on those pretend-democracies
Unboxing on the 24th
You can’t deny the influence of Israel on these news outlets though. How is this fucking normal? No one will call it information warfare but that’s what it is
You guys route for each other
He looks like the terrorist we killed last week
Your judgement is so harsh… It’s not like they are also siegeing, starving and genociding a population
And a nazi
It’s easy to track the source of this one by searching the organisation they quote. Ultimately one should do this no matter the news outlet
Evil gov doing evil stuff? I am shocked
Most muslims I know saw right through the bullshit, but it seems there is a growing dumb fringe in all communities. Two were very vocal about Biden but ultimately supported Kamala as (in their view) the obvious lesser evil. That even one would vote for the guy who put a ban on Muslims in his first term will always baffle me as the most stupid shit I’ve ever witnessed
Edit the n+1th most stupid after the nth things diaper don does