Me too. I think they should skip the criminal prosecution and just do executions. Good riddance.
Me too. I think they should skip the criminal prosecution and just do executions. Good riddance.
Same. I have had a couple of hiccups but nothing more than I did gaming on Windows. Overall my transition to Linux, especially for gaming, has gone exceptionally smooth.
Holy whataboutism Batman.
Doing something that will almost assuredly kill you is a suicide attempt.
Starting ones self on fire is a suicide attempt, regardless of political motive. This isn’t the same as sky diving or even trying to see the Titanic in a carbon fiber pod, this is pure and simple, self immolation to death that failed, so far.
They were suicidal, and now they’re trapped.
Regardless, what’s this have to do with the article posted? These action go directly against the point I think you’re trying to make.
So Canada fucked up them remedied the situation. What’s this have to do with the post?
You’re right, I had misremembered the phrasing. I just hate that the current state of affairs is everything you put online is going into model training. I feel everything should be opt in. If a company wants to profit off of my stuff, they should have to ask, even if it’s hosted there, especially since when these social media sites first came about, the idea of training data models with user information wasn’t a thing.
I’d begrudgingly accept a cutoff where anything prior to a date where terms were explicitly set to include language for data modeling was excluded. It’s really dumb that the advent of new technologies just allows companies to profit of anyone’s creations with permission.
You’re right. I misremembered.
The post says everything, which would include the private.
If I post a picture on my private profile that only my friends can see, yes, that should be private.
You’re not wrong. It’s a bullshit point that has no merit. US could have nothing to do with Israel, and that would have no bearing on Iran sending missiles to Russia.
Russia is getting missiles from Iran, because they need them and Iran is supplying them, it’s as simple as that.
I think I can relate to literally all of them. Not competitive Jenga, but some other niche topic that I will be hyper interested for a consecutive 4 hours after midnight. I spent a whole night one time learning about roller derby and watching replays of the women’s final for the past few years. I had never watched it before in my life and went all in. The men’s version is not as good. They are too fast and strong, so it’s more boring and less nuanced.
I did a job shadow at a PT clinic years ago. That’s where I learned that. Just scrape it all off until it eventually heals.
I used to have a manager that once slid out on her motorcycle on some loose sand and got a bit of road rash. The recovery was similar.
The false equivalence in the article is frustrating. We don’t allow people to drink and drive, but we do allow people to drink and ride. Contextually, I think the article is referring to drunk passengers being unruly, not pilots. If they are actually talking about pilots then it should be a 0 drink limit before a flight. Just punish the disorderly drunks, and let the rest of the adults, adult.
Agree, but it’s not on Ryanair to police that and should be at the discretion of the bar like it is everywhere else. If a bar overserves someone, fine them. If someone is unruly boarding or on a plane, either prevent them from boarding or ban them going forward and make the punishment hurt. There are plenty of people capable of drinking a handful of alcoholic beverages and functioning in public.
I like that. Drones that both play porn audio and drop nudes like propaganda pamphlets. It would shut the country down.
You are asking way too much from someone blowing smoke just for the sake of stirring controversy. My guess is the user is both parroting a talking point and doesn’t know what hegemony means.