Ukraine president delivers upbeat message on war progress during second White House visit since Russian invasion

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy worked to shore up US support for Ukraine on a whirlwind visit to Washington on Thursday, delivering an upbeat message on the war’s progress while facing new questions about the flow of US dollars that for 19 months have helped keep his troops in the fight against Russian forces.

The Ukrainian leader received a far quieter reception than the hero’s welcome he was given last year from Congress, but also won generally favorable comments on the next round of US aid he says he needs to stave off defeat.

    1 year ago

    All the Ukraine War is, is a means of de-stabilizing Russia long enough to keep them from “gold backing” their Ruble and Crypto Currencies which would basically render the US Dollar worthless. In order to drum up support for their war mongering, leftist propaganda riles up the low IQ dem voters into believing anything but the actual truth lol. We have poor people living on the streets of America and this administration’s sending BILLIONS to Ukraine lol. Dem’s need to smarten up…and stop being such useful pawns.

      1 year ago

      People are homeless not because the government lacks funding, but because the government doesn’t give a damn. Those billions being given to Ukraine were never going to be spent addressing poverty had the war not happened, and if Congress suddenly had a change of heart, they’d have zero problems finding and allocating as much money as they want to anti homeless programs Ukraine war or not