Besides, y’know, all seating furniture being beanbag chairs.
A lot more sore backs and so much more spilt food.
That’s what I was going to say - a LOT more back issues. Chiropractors would be overjoyed.
Are beanbag chairs in with big chiro? 😯
Is other seating outlawed in this scenario, or just no one has the capability to conceive of a chair or bench? Or does physics just not abide a seat in this universe?
…is it possible to sit on tables?
A lot of people with back problems unable to get up from their chairs. I’m guessing it would become commonplace to see people rolling onto the floor.
Someone would eventually invent a dual frame with a small horizontally mounted primary bean bag chair to sit on, and a small secondary vertically mounted bean bag chair could support the back.
That’s brilliant! Why hasn’t anyone made one of these better bean bag chairs?
I’d probably stop wearing skirts.
Some people would question if there could be, perhaps, a better chair. Of course, anyone with common sense knows that beanbag chairs are a perfect and infallible design.
Have you put all your money into polystyrene beans again Kevin.
No more chairs in the ESD controlled areas 😭
Someone would invent conductive and grounded beans. Maybe aluminum foam could be used?
Driving a car becomes a lot more difficult. Also, all cars would be mid- or rear-engined so that you could put a windscreen far lower to the floor and still see from your shitty chair.
More laptops or standing desks for computers.