Alright Europe time to be relentless with the United States. I hope we get fucking sanctioned.
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Ok just had a chuckle. A chunk of America now like that girl we used to date that’s like “slap me Daddy. Slap me hard.”
Christel Schaldemose, a Danish politician who is a center-left member of the European Parliament, said the way the U.S. has been talking about the E.U. in general lately is “not helping.”
“Could we start talking to each other as allies and not enemies?” she said.
No, Christel, because we are fully a Russian vassal state now. Our corrupt, craven politicians were so consumed by their own uniquely Christian lust, greed and fear that Putin was able to fully and completely own them all.
“oh daddy you and mr russia are waay better than Europe. we love you please feed us with your bodily excrements, you are the best”
…while the world laughs at them….
Imagine if those people looked up to us, we’d have to really question our values.
We did once. But then neocons decided to exploit your govt and eroded all faith. It’s been a while.
Trust is gained in drops but lost in buckets.
I am nostalgic for the America that was a land of wonder. Making it great again is backfiring atm, but I do subscribe to that sentiment, not in the execution.
I’ve read about this tactic in effing up diplomatic relations 101
The old Republican projection at work again.
maybe they thought it was a compliment, because, you know, there’s nothing more pathetic than the dynamic trio of soggy turd turned rancid, a couchfucker, and a drunken part-timer.
And Trump knows pathetic when he sees it… after all he’s leading the US in that field!
People are saying he’s the most pathetic. No one knows pathetic as much as Trump.
And hiring the most pathetic ass kissers he can find. Quite impressive actually.
National and world cup champion too!
Of course everyone is pathetic except us. It’s the only logical conclusion.
China and Russia will sit on the sidelines for WWIII at this pace
Yet another fool underestimates French Rugby.
Espejito reboton
What the fuck headline is this. Kind of burying the lead, right? And it wasn’t exactly “leaked,” now was it? I didn’t look at the garbage publication, but this is straight garbage
Edit: of fucking course it’s New York times. Garbage.
I’m confused. You guys care more about the scandal of a dig at Europe than the actual story of the “but her emails” crowd talking about war plans in an unsecured group chat? Alright. Why is calling Europe “pathetic,” as if that mattered when coming out of this story and from the most pathetic government in the history of the modern world, what NYT decided was the headline? What a fucking dumpster of a publication.
If I had to hazard a guess, I reckon they’ll have done more than one story on this.
Let’s keep it honest here, European leaders have been talking down about America on a regular basis for decades. They look at us like we are trash and only tolerate us because we have the most feared military. It has been worse since Trump was elected again so is it really surprising to hear that the Trump administration does like them? Truthfully Europe is weak and has to rely on others to protect itself.
That’s not honest at all. European leaders may not always have liked how the Americans operated, but there always was a large amount of respect that stemmed from much more than just military might. The US has been a frontrunner humanitarian aid, soft diplomacy, scientific research and economic development since at least the end of WW2. Europe looked to the US to take the lead in global conflicts because the US always took the lead and would not have it otherwise.
With the Trump 2.0 administration however, European leaders do look down on the US administration for their incompetence and severe lack of manners and decency.
I’m from the UK and the general feeling is not just distrust of the US government but also the complete disbelief that the American people could vote that fat traitorous wanker back in yet again. It is completely unfathomable.
He is a committed and provable liar, and has been for decades…yet you vote him to be president, twice!After his first term during the many court cases etc there was, for a shortish time, a feeling that you had all come back to your senses and were doing the right thing.
Making amends, even.
That whilst he wouldn’t go to prison for his many (MANYyyyyyy) crimes that he would be embroiled in the mire of shit for the rest of his life, and never again would someone like him be allowed near the power of office.
And that he would die a failed and monumentally dishonest ‘politician’, just as he is a failed and monumentally dishonest ‘businessman’.But no, he got voted in again.
Yet just a cursory glance in the direction of some of the facts show that he’s quite obviously compromised at best. A full Russian puppet/asset at worst. And he got voted in, AGAIN!?!
It boggles the mind.It’s not just about the politicians, the tariffs, how your ‘ruling class’ see Europe etc etc, but also the how the general voting populace of America also can’t be trusted to do the bare minimum of not vote for the very worst of the worst.
Yes, not all of you did vote for him. And yes I’m being harsh here, but it’s not like it didn’t happen before, this is the second time. And it’s not like it’s not deserved.
I’m from the UK and the general feeling is not just distrust of the US government but also the complete disbelief that the American people could vote that fat traitorous wanker back in yet again. It is completely unfathomable.
I’m in the US and I have the same feeling. Surrounded by coworkers who have.
I honestly have lost all faith in the people of this country.
European here. I think this is totally true. We used to look at you as our older brother. And while you protected us, we invested in you (don’t believe the trade deficit horse shit Trump’s spewing), 400 billion from pension funds in Netherlands alone for example. My guess is that Europe has many trillions invested there. And we’re so Americanized, you wouldn’t believe. But this administration has changed it all with their fake territorial claims, siding with russia, and other outright dumb policicy decisions. It’s like you guys all of a sudden forgot what we had going on, because some orange turd tells you so. And wtf are you doing to Canada? 🤦🏽That’s really pathetic actually.
They were right to be talking down on us and we have been trash since at least Reagan though.
Most European nations are societies. We’re a bunch of deluded fools playing pretend we’re rugged individuals at each other’s throats for oligarch scraps.
We can’t even agree as a society to feed or invest in educating our kids. We let millions of our worst off neighbors die of exposure out of economic tribalist spite. We’re a loathsome country worthy of ridicule. Honestly if we weren’t so good at marketing, the art of bullshit, we could have saved a lot of potential immigrants time, shown them who we really are, and they never would have crossed a desert to come here. This is a cesspool.
If America has been trash since Reagan how could illegal immigrants not know who we are? I mean that was 45 years ago. America pays more per student for education than most other developed countries but ranks near the bottom especially in math and science. We are victims of our own success. Kids don’t study or try hard because whatever happens they will be fine. Hell they are graduating kids from high school that cant even read or write their own names now.
Good thing you never actually compared the military strength of the non-US NATO members to the USA. Always great to live in a bubble.
Yes, i have. There is no comparison. Sure you can say America compared to the 31 other countries military capabilities combined but each of those countries have separate needs and ambitions. So they will not act as one cohesive unit. That is why they always wait for America to decide. Ukraine is in Europe, if they want to send troops no one is stopping them. If China invaded Mexico do you think America would sit around waiting for NATO to gather the opinions of the 31 members of NATO before they responded? No. There is a clear difference.
You understand that the USA is a… unity of lots of states just like the EU, right? Even more than 31. Many of them far larger than many EU countries. Overall EU and USA are pretty much the same size. So why do you not want to compare them directly but still say that they are weaker? How does that make sense?
If China invaded Mexico I would assume that Trump is all for it and talks about how this restores order Blabla and how he is great.
The EU is not a nation, the USA is a nation, France is a nation, and so is Spain or Germany. Each nation looks out for their national interests, self preservation, and that is why the USA and the EU are not the same.
This is so dishonest and wrong, I’m flabbergasted. Are you a Trump supporter, by any chance?
Going through their history they hate Canada and claim to be independent so I’d say they’ve been drinking some Kookaid but pretend to be a critical thinker.
Any evidence for that other than ‘the vibe’? I agree with @[email protected]