Hi, my son (7 years) is diagnosed ADHD without hyperactivity. From my point of view the symptoms are mild (maybe because for me its “normal”). My wife and I now have to decide wether we want to treat his symptoms with methylphenidat. My question: Can someone with medium strength adhd who gets medicated in his/her childhood write their experience in retrospective?
Thanks for reading, sorry for my English.
Related but not directly answering the question; i went off medication before puberty (parents decision, not mine). My medication (straterra) had appetite suppression as a side effect, and that change (low/no appetite to suddenly having an appetite) seriously messed with my eating habits long term.
Consistency is important, don’t try to juggle off/on ADHD medications once they’ve started.
Thanks. If I read it right you have no negative experience or feelings because of the medication. I thinks thats good.
Absolutely. Another thing that i feel would have been helpful for me would have been being more actively involved with the discussion on the effects/effectiveness of the medication. My parents more or less talked over me during any appointments.
I didn’t fully understand the reasons/impact of the medications until after i was taken off them, and I’m still a bit mad about it nearly 20 years later.