In November, the UN Human Rights Office said its analysis showed close to 70% of verified victims over a six-month period were women and children .
Hamas has proven more reliable than the IDF.
While they are trying to pretend Hamas is a one terrorist thing, in reality it’s an organized resistance group. They have diplomat, ministers, and army, since they are on their own. The health ministry worker have to be working under hamas because hamas won the election which make sense if you look at PLO horrible history of corruption in west bank.
These colonization news aim to pretend the number are not accurate. But the fact is this is confirm dead, ignoring missing people or those under rebel.
If a peace talk continue, there will be push for more war crime investigation and the accurate number will show up. which for a state that shows they are a save heaven for jew and pedo, and tax evading corp might not be good.
The British medical Journal “The Lancet” estimated 100,000-250,000 dead and that was last year.
This is a genocide and corporate Western media is complicit.
The BBC is run by Zionists like Robbie Gibb and Raffi Berg. They are deliberately downplaying the deaths.
That estimate has turned out to be wrong. Even the author of the lancet piece distanced themselves from it.
Hamas has every reason to present a high death toll. There have been several adjustments of the numbers as well over time.
They estimate another 10k buried under the rubble.
The number of deaths has only been increasing slowly for months.
Also notable is that Hamas and the other militants have not released a number of dead combatants.
There’s enough proven death and destruction. Clinging on to false number from the Lancet is just spreading misinformation and doesn’t help Palestinians.
Why was that BBC article even linked? It’s from November last year and the numbers have changed since.
Yeah this is Hasbara propaganda. Nobody has dismissed the Lancet as wrong except Zionists and their lackeys.
The zionist colony has been signalling genocidal intent for 18 months and has levelled Gaza with massacres every day but apparently the death count is overstated?
There’s a reason the Zios have murdered over 300 journalists. So that bots can spread doubt about the number of the dead.
You should preface your title with “Israel-run BBC”
More than 100 BBC staff accuse broadcaster of Israel bias in Gaza coverage
BBC is accused by Zionists all the time to be biased against them.
And as we know, every Israeli accusation is a confession.
The deaths are much much higher. The IDF targets healthcare employees same as journalists. Can’t count if you’re dead I guess. World’s most moral army, they said.
The article is from November.
Come the fuck on are we back to the “Hamas-run” nonsense again? Eat shit BBC.
Why is it nonsense? Hamas has been the government in Gaza for twenty years and ran a pretty authoritarian and harsh regime. There are no institutions in Gaza run against the will of Hamas.
I’m enjoying how the obvious rebuttal to this stupid propaganda talking point is now so widespread I don’t have to say it anymore.
Bibi has been the head of the government in Israel for twenty something years and ran a pretty rightwing and harsh genocidal apartheid regime.
You can look it up, but short of it is that the Gaza Health Ministry’s casualty numbers are very accurate and have been used by pretty much everyone since 2007, including Israel. Whenever the UN tries to count independently their numbers match up with Ministry numbers. If anything the Ministry’s numbers are an undercount because they’re only people who have been confirmed as directly killed by the IDF by a doctor in a hospital. People who simply weren’t counted for whatever reason (usually because Israel destroyed all hospitals in the area), as well as people who starve or die to disease, are not included. This is, by the way, why estimations of the true casualty number by are always more than the official number and never less.
There are no institutions in Gaza run against the will of Hamas.
It seems the will of Hamas is to have rock-solid casualty numbers that even the most rabidly Zionist can’t criticize, because if there was even a small overestimation (let alone fabrication) anywhere Israel would use that to discredit the casualty numbers and Zionists in the West will lap it up. I mean they tried anyway, but because the methodology leaves no room for criticism they got shut down pretty quickly.
Yes, their numbers are the best available.
Yeah, no way the number is that low.
The letter in the Lancet gave an estimate that comes to 23,000 dead per month in addition to the official registered killings.
It’s only the dead that can be named or found, there must be thousands more still stuck in all the rubble. A letter published by The Lancet even established that the death count could go as high as 186 000.
We will never now the true extent until it’s far too late.
Yeah, of course. The number was basically static for months after all hospitals were rendered inoperable, as that’s where the counting was done. Probably part of the reason they were targeted.
What an i missing? They also call it Hamas-run ministry in this article
Hamas run ministry 🤣🤣
Literally the first paragraph:
The UN’s Human Rights Office has condemned the high number of civilians killed in the war in Gaza, saying its analysis shows close to 70% of verified victims over a six-month period were women and children.
Also see the only other comment when you posted this:
I guess the BBC insisting on stating “Hamas-run” in its titles related to this conflict is not about partiality or transparency but rather create a false equivalence with the armed forces. It’s an oversimplification aimed at creating a certain narrative, and based on multiple sources it’s a policy of theirs not to display “bias” against israel.
I didn’t get the impression that the other commenter was laughing about BBC’s use of the term.
I assumed they were doubting the health ministry’s reliability/accuracy, but maybe I’ve just become jaded after dealing with so many Zionazis online.
Fair point, It could be. Just know that, in any case, my comment was not directed towards yours.
I only used this opportunity to further explain my perspective regarding BBC coverage, that I wasn’t endorsing any kind of whitewashing.
Oh I understood that, but thanks for making it explicit. Very few larger media outlets have covered Palestine fairly unfortunately.
And the title of the article?
Your comment did not make clear what you found funny, but having come across so many similar comments before I assumed it was that the data was not reliable due to it being the “Hamas-run health ministry”.
If you found the continued use of that term by the BBC funny, then my previous comment is irrelevant.
Yes, i thought that’s what happened. No worries
Thanks for clearing that up haha. It’s hard not to be a pessimist on the internet.